Two months ago, this guy and I who had been flirting made out in my room. We never talked about it, just leaving it as that. Shortly afterwards, there was a second guy who expressed an interest in me.

I looked at both relationships, and I told myself that first one would never work out, because we had different values and we lived too far. I'm in college, and he's an international student, so he would probably go back to his country after the four years of college.

So I left the first one at that, we never resolved anything at all. Shortly afterwards, I started dating the second guy. He's from the same country as me, and we're in the same program. I thought we could work out, and it could be serious.

The problem is that the first guy kept texting me, and calling me (especially when he was drunk). Now I'm regretting not pursuing a relationship with the first guy, because he was looking for a relationship and I just went for security. The first guy has this thing where he makes you feel like someone remember you, because after not texting for a while, he scold texts you that you shouldn't forget him. In other words, I still like the first guy, and I feel like I shouldn't have listened to my logic instead of my feelings.

The second guy is a bit clingy, I'm not very clingy and I do like my alone time, so we've been having a bit of a problem with that. We get along for the most part, but I feel like I'm not 100% in the relationship because of the first guy.

I'm having dinner with the first guy tomorrow, and I'm not sure what I should do. I still like him, but I feel really bad since I have a boyfriend and should be more faithful emotionally. Should I still go out to dinner with him, and explain that I have a boyfriend and apologize.

Thanks and sorry for the rambling !