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Thread: Does this sound pathetic? Letter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Does this sound pathetic? Letter

    Dont actually read it, just skim it. Its too long. I just want to know what kind of impression you get out of it. Im definetely confident in myself but you never know. A females point of view would be nice.

    I know you broke up with me and you probably don’t want to hear from me anymore but at least read this. I would appreciate it because I really think there have just been a lot of misunderstandings between us. There might not be much I can do but I'm not the type to just give up if I truly believe in something. We didn’t date for a long time, but I really felt like you wanted to take the relationship seriously so that’s what I am doing now. I’m just going to be honest with you, I feel like we broke up because there was a lack of communication.

    If there were things that bothered you then you should have talked to me instead of abruptly breaking up with me. I have treated you well enough to have deserved at least that. I know you think I snapped at you Sunday for wanting to hang out with your friends, but I’m really not the type of guy to want to control your time. I need my own time too, but the problem I had was that I thought you gave me attitude about it but I guess you didn’t so my bad. I wanted to assert myself but I didn’t do it in the right way and didn’t realize it would get you that mad.

    You also mentioned that I disrespected your ideas of religion and the earth but it’s not even like that. I may be an atheist, but that dosen’t means that I hate religion. I actually think it’s a good thing, if it helps you get through tough times then good for you, but it just isn’t for me. As for your ideas on earth, I’m really sorry if I laughed at you. I didn’t mean to do it with bad intentions; I just meant to tease you playfully as with other things. I didn’t think you would take it that way. You told me not to laugh before and I didn’t listen, I apologize for that.

    The truth of the matter is I actually found your ideas very interesting and I really wanted to get to know you even better because I was already into what you had been telling me. I never meant to disrespect you in anyway, that’s not who I am. You’re a deep thinker and you are creative, that’s just what I love about you. I like the way you think and I really want to hear more of what you have to say. I didn’t open up to you as much as I should have about my real thoughts and opinions, but they’re actually very important to me also. I know we could have had some really interesting conversations if I had done so.

    You’re a very relaxed and mellow girl and that’s exactly what I had been wanting. You have been treated badly in the past and I don’t feel so great knowing that I hurt your feelings. I did treat you very well otherwise and I want to keep showing how a real boyfriend should be. I was an asshole about things and I'm regretful about it now. It was the alpha male in me trying to feel on top when in reality I should have just been the kind loving person that I am towards you.

    A beautiful and sexy girl like you deserves and needs a guy like me just the way I deserve a girl like you, why? Because I can treat you like no other can. We may have our differences but to hell with them, anything is possible, and I think that we could easily work them out. We shouldn’t have been getting mad at each other the way we were the first week, and it was partly my fault. But I’m willing to change things and make them better. My mom really likes you and she’s keeps mentioning you all the time. I'm afraid to tell her we broke up though because that would mean I let an amazing girl like you get away and there aren’t many like you out there. So take the time to think things over, after all, you did tell me you loved me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I want to punch you in the vagina.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    How bout a real answer?

  4. #4
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    A real answer is to not send it and move on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Actually, I think its really sweet and well thought out. You should send it to see how she responds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Aw thanks, thats exactly what I was going for! I lost this girl, and it might be a lost cause. But hell, I dont go down so easily. Im a very confident person, I know I can still get her if I try. Im planning on giving it to her with a rose cause she likes em. Keep it simple

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Its not perfect by any means but if you mean what you say from your heart then send it
    You have nothing to lose really
    Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I think it is a very sweet letter. You should send it to her/give it to her and leave. Don't try getting answers from her right away, let her think, let her miss you a little. Don't pressure her, if you do she'll run faster. After reading the letter she may or may not contact you but you have to give her time/space. You're already reaching out to her through this letter so she is the one who has to answer next, not you. You have to be patient. I know it's hard. I just got back with my ex 2 months after he left me---believe me, it was hard but I did my best to be patient and understanding of his feelings and needs. I don't see anything wrong with you telling her what you feel and I like that you don't sound like a victim in the letter. I would recommend deleting this part though

    "A beautiful and sexy girl like you deserves and needs a guy like me just the way I deserve a girl like you, why? Because I can treat you like no other can" Why? because only she knows what she deserves and needs. Don't tell her this--let her be the one to decide.

    Good luck,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thanks, that was just what I needed to be able to give her the letter. I wanted to be straight up, tell her how I feel while still keeping pride in myself. I am planning to just give it to her and kinda just go away. I dont think itd be the right time to talk. Your right, if she wants to talk shell talk to me. I dont see how a girl could possibly ignore this right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    There's a lot of hinted guilt directed at her... lots of blame placed on her... even though you do take some yourself. You're making demands in an apology letter and that's never a good idea.

    Just focus on what you liked and will miss about her, how much you have messed up, and where she was right and you were wrong --- it will be honest and possibly get you back in her heart.

    Afterward you can start to figure out where she went wrong as well... as she'll probably admit her faults too. Don't assume what her faults were -- let her figure that out on her own.

    It will be rejected if you don't remove the guilt and blame undertones.

    Aside from that, the letter isn't too bad.

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