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Thread: Has anyone rekindled a ex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Has anyone rekindled a ex

    Well my story is on different posts in here. I would just like to ask if anyone has reconcilled with their ex after time, if so how long did it take? What did you do to win them back? Is there hope? Any stories good or bad will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    No I never did because we broke up for a reason so there is no point in rekindling old problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    i have and i did what everyone said not to do. i would text her and call her a lot. she agreed to see me and then we were back together. i dont think the no contact thing works on every situation. some people want to be wanted and chased after. you just have to know what kind of person you are dealing with. i say whatever you feel in your heart is the right thing to do. if you are in love with someone you should know what they want.
    I got loaded last night on a bottle of gin
    And I had a fight with my redneck girlfriend
    But when I'm drinkin' I am nobody's friend
    Please baby wait for me until they let me out again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I went no contact for about 6 month with my ex after I broke up with her. Slowly started chatting a bit, she would call me for stupid things and I knew she just wanted to touch base with me. All in all I hadn't seen her in over a year, but last weekend she came to visit me. We had a hell of a time I must say, are we together........not even close, but there is SOMETHING there. Just taking it real slow. Keep in mind, this pretty much NEVER EVER happens, it's a long shot, just so happened it worked out for us this way. To be honest for something like this to happen, one of the two parties has to swallow their pride and admit to the other their mistakes or at least initiate the conversation of apology. Seeing as how I broke up with her (for good reason), there was no way I'd go back to her. So she came back to me and I'm giving here a chance to show me her changes and I'm showing her mine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Texarkana, AR
    I've never tried, but my ex tried with me.

    I ended up leaving my ex due to some boundary issues. If you know what that means, skip the rest of this paragraph. There are some issues that are not negotiable, those are called boundaries, and I pretty much found out that she'd violated three of my boundaries all at once... No, none of the involved sex, that wasn't it. Anyway, I basically could not get past those issues and I left. Actually, I started packing the next day and was gone by the weekend.

    Four months later, she was "in the neighborhood" of my new apartment and stopped in to see me. I knew that was total bullshit, since my new apartment was 80 miles from where I'd lived with my wife. She hemmed and hawed, and then finally came out with the fact that she wanted us to "try again."

    I asked her specifically about the three boundary issues that I'd left over, and she was unwilling to change her mind about any of them. So what could I do, except say "Sorry We have nothing to discuss." and that was that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    UK: England
    I never try to win them back,...if they choose to go, I don't and never looked back. They usually end up coming back for me....I'm the 'ex gf' they don't seem to easily forget (for some reason).

    An ex tried with me and after ten years....

    I would imagine that he thought I'd never got over him and he expected that I'd still be waiting for him after all this time.Unfortunately for him, I'd moved on...married and had a child, lmfao

    I've had another relationship where we were back and forth a zillion times - longest fall out was four months. He ALWAYS returned first, we still talk daily and 3 years later.

    Then I had an ex when I was 17 write me a love letter after I'd dumped his ass.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    I've had a few exes try to get back into my life too......like I said there's a reason why we split.....and I wasn't going to forget why!

  8. #8
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    Yep, my current bf is my ex. We first dated for a few months in 2009 but it was a really bad year for me and i had a lot issues and i was just not ready for a relationship so we split up.
    We kept in occasional contact for a year- just the odd text really to see how each other were, then a bunch of circumstances meant that we saw each other quite regularly and we are now happy together and have been for a while and will be moving in together in the summer.

    I think getting back with an ex doesnt usually work, but it also depends on why you split up in the first place.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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