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Thread: Need female message decoding... (kinda long)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Need female message decoding... (kinda long)

    First off, I'm new here. So.... Hello Everybody!

    Anyways, down to business. So I'm running one morning and I notice this gal that's always sunbathing at the pool at a certain time on a certain day. After running, I tell myself, "ah hell, why not?" So I go over to the pool and start to do some laps. After my laps are over, I'm kind of taking it easy and resting, when she starts to talk to me. At first, she kind of has her back turned to me, which I interpret as bad. Almost like she's bored and I'm a possible source of entertainment. After talking for a little bit, and introductions. I notice that she slowly but surely starts turning to face me and talk and what not. Towards the end of our conversation (which here in arizona in 115 degree weather), which lasts for about 2 hours, she starts to get really personnal. Telling me about piercings, and why she moved out to arizona and what she plans for the future. She said a couple of things that I'm just curious as to if they hold possible hints:

    1) I hate being alone. I start to get scared when I'm alone, like in the nightime, I'll call a friend to sleep over because I get so scared.

    2) (as she's about to leave) It was really nice talking to you. You should stop by my door sometime. (being that we live like 7 houses apart)

    3) (when asked what she's doing tonight) I plan on staying in. No idea what that means anymore, because I sometimes end up just going out with friends.

    Now, I know what you'all are thinking, that I just need to read between the lines. My thoughts are for statement 1), she's letting me know that she's single and doesn't like being single. If she gets scared being alone, then wouldn't she call the boyfriend to come over? Call me crazy. Statement 2), Kind of get the feeling that she's letting me know that she's interested. Kind of like, if she was taken, she wouldn't be inviting a guy to "stop by her door."

    Any thoughts? Perhaps I'm reading way too much into this? Another situation that I'm having, is that I don't know when to stop on by. Like, nothing is worse then showing up uninvited. I kind of wish I got a cell phone number. Any thoughts on what I should do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWhite
    Now, I know what you'all are thinking, that I just need to read between the lines.
    Thats not what I was thinking. I was thinking about orgasms.

    My advice is ...leave her alone....I dont know why but I just get the feeling you saw her by the pool and wanted to **** her..thats it.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 29-07-05 at 05:39 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  3. #3
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Wow sounds good Mr. White. Consider yourself lucky and accept her invitation to stop by sometime!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWhite
    2) (as she's about to leave) It was really nice talking to you. You should stop by my door sometime. (being that we live like 7 houses apart)
    That is a single line. You don't need to read between
    Don't listen to The Wise, listen to yourself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hey Only-Virgins, Could you give us all a little more insight to what you're thinking? I'll be glad to get a different perspective on this. I mean, I suppose you're the first person to think of anything negative about this situation. I suppose, you could be correct that the only thoughts going through my head were about banging when I first saw her, but that's what attraction is about right? Or does physical attraction just mean that I would like to admire her beauty and that's it. But honestly, looks only get so far with me. I've dated really hot girls before and I really favor more average girls because their personality is really what matters to me. Call me crazy, but I like to actually talk to them once in a while! By the way, to the other two members that responded, are you two male or female? Could everyone post what their gender is please?

  6. #6
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    I'm a dude, and I'm 23.

    And don't take OV too seriously - he likes to talk a lot of shit.

    I give you a big thumbs up though... after reading this I wish I lived in an apartment complex that had a pool! I would say definately take her up on her offer and just stop by sometime... I wouldn't even bother getting too deep into what you guys said already - no need to put that first conversation under a microscope... just keep hanging out with her and find out for yourself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Judging from the rather extreme way you're reading into her words and even her movements, and the almost hopeful tone of your request to OV to elaborate on any negative elements he perceives, I'd say you're quite keen on starting up a serious relationship with someone. Judging from the suggestive character of her remarks and her casual demeanor of delivery, I'd think she may NOT be interested in anything too serious. At least, not right off the wood, so to speak. I'd certainly pursue her invitations. (Note the plural.) But, meanwhile, I'd modulate any serious outcomes I may desire down a few notches until I better knew where she stood.

    BTW, you can count on OV to ALWAYS see the negative aspects of EVERYTHING. That's of his charms. His purity of view. Truly.
    Speak less. Say more.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    she couldn't be any clearer...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    All I meant Mr.white is that all I saw was physical attraction here and not even that strong because if it was then you would be at her door before she even reached it lol. I have one way of seeing things like this...if you see her and she blows you away..I mean all the chemical are flowing and love is starting then by all means nature just yelled "fool..its time to mate and love"..but if two idiots talk to each other and think "hot" of each other..they talk to each other and are like "oh wow, we have so much in common with each other"...you know what ...bull shit then..leave her for someone who really has a attraction to her. I don't know what you want though but it seems like an opportunity for a one night stand..and nothing more..so it depends on what you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    BTW, you can count on OV to ALWAYS see the negative aspects of EVERYTHING. That's of his charms. His purity of view. Truly.
    Thank you...seriously..I really do believe that all the good combined in the world doesn't even come close to justifying one wrong.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 31-07-05 at 03:00 PM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

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