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Thread: Long Distance. Can a girl love a guy, but cheat on him?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Long Distance. Can a girl love a guy, but cheat on him?

    I'm just curious
    Me and my girl are doing long distance. I do trust her, but now that she's in uni and usually around guys, i'm just VERY paranoid
    We talk alot, and it is clear that she loves me.
    Whenever we fuss. she ends up crying, and well she also puts alot of effort to talk. Out of curiosity though, does a girl have it in her to do that?
    Thanks in adv everybody

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    First of all, don't be paranoid. It'll create more chances for her to cheat on you. Just behave like you always used to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    depends on the girl, any1 can make a mistake or w/e, real question is do u love her enough to trust her AND not question it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i just screwed up my 2 years relationship because my ex went off to college and never talked to me too much bc she had an obscene amount of work to do. i became increasingly paranoid and long story short it spelled the end of our relationship on behalf of her.

    we had the best relationsihp ive ever had an i only hope to have another like it. paranoia and all the emotions that go with it can ruin any relationship. she loves you and you need to trust that and focus on yourself instead of worrying and everything will pan out. take my word on this.

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