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Thread: Does she have a crush on me???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Does she have a crush on me???

    Ok, I am very honest while asking this question and writing here. I am a guy working at an IT company. My office is very far from my home and it takes almost 4 hours of travelling daily. I have got friendly and helpful colleagues in my office and I spend a quality time with them during office breaks.
    Now turning to the question, there's a girl which is from some other department in my office. It's been 5 months that I see her usually boarding the bus while standing in the queue to my office. She's a good looking girl but I only admire her looks.
    Initially I had thought of her as a egoistic person as she never seemed to speak with anyone else in our office than guys or girls from her own department. But while leaving or coming to the office she usually has got a female friend who is from my department. I never used to speak initially with her friend too, as our group used to be different. I used to notice the girl whenever she used to give a look to me sometimes. Later on due to some kind of work related matter, I had a conversation with her friend after which I used to speak or smile at her friend. I initially didn't even know her name, until a colleague with whom I used to travel by bus told me the same. She used to speak with my colleague. Initially even when used to have close encounters like at wash basin or water filters she never gave me a smile or something, and I too didn't used to bother about her. This happened till a few days back when I finally had a talk with her while we were walking towards the bus station which is half an hour long enough.
    Now the day when we spoke for the first time. It was almost 6.30 the time by which I leave the office. The girl had already left the office almost 10 minutes before me with her friend. When I was walking down the street I noticed them walking ahead. These were 3 people, the girl, her female friend and another guy from the office whom I used to speak with too. The female friend noticed me when I came walking behind them. I started talking with the guy and her friend while walking. Later on we got some topic and I started walking with her friend and she continued walking with the other guy. Sometimes she was walking beside me but never began a conversation. I too didn't bother and let it go the way it was going. I sometimes addressed everyone on a joke but never called her name personally. This went on until when just left 10 to 15mins of walking she called my name and addressed everyone that I would have reached the destination if I was walking alone. Later on we began walking together and she began talking with me. I was surpised initially that she knew my name. Then she also revealed that she knew where I stay and started asking why I travel to the office from so far and not stay nearby on a rental basis. She later on began asking who's in my family, where was I born and brought up and what my father does? I was surprised that in our first conversation she asked me all these questions.
    Now I am confused whether she has a crush on me? I don't have a girlfriend and never had any. I really have got no time to think about having one as I am more into my career till I settle down. But still I think if this is going to be her, I would welcome the God's decision. I am really confused and don't even know she already has got a boyfriend. I never had a crush on her but after meeting her I think I am changed. Can anyone please suggest me what can this be?

    This was the situation sometime earlier. Now the situation is, I learnt that the girl already has got a boyfriend and the 2 of them seem to be serious with each other by the way she told me about their relationship.
    In the meantime she also had asked me if there was a girlfriend of mine and was surprised why I don't have any.
    But still I feel confused, as since then, we almost walk daily together after the office hours.
    We usually are a group who take a walk to the station after the office, but she always calls me before leaving. One day she left the office some 10 mins early and told me she have to go somewhere else. But later on when she reached downstairs she called me again and said she wants me to come and doesn't wish to go alone. Ofcourse I never say no to her.
    It has happened several times that the both of us have went several times together without the group. Once or twice while we were together we also had some snacks on the way, which was actually her wish.

    Moreover, when we walk alongside I get surprised when sometimes she helds my hand while crossing the road or walking down a slope.
    I really don't seem to understand what this girl has in her mind. Pretty confused still.
    Sorry for a long story, but it matters me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    By the way it looks, he MAY have something for you. Maybe not a crush, but she might think you're quite a nice dude. If she indeed has a boyfriend, no matter how difficult is her relation, she will not jump on you straight.
    Are you good looking? Do you have a cool personality yourself or perhaps, are you funny / make her laugh? She may be just interested to be friends with you.

    Don't let yourself carried away, and you may never know unless you ask her particularly about that subject. Don't play silly teenager games. Just be blunt and there for her. IThings are looking good for now, but be weary of not falling into the "friend zone" trap. She might see you as a friend.

    Don't misunderstand her actions. Most of them mean nothing, such as holding your hand while crossing the street. Hell, i kiss and hug most of my girl buddies and it doesn't mean anything.

    Take care and stay chill.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    You are friend zoned. She is clinging onto you because her BF doesn't give her the attention she craves. Better back off spending time with her because she is using you for emotional attention. If she really wanted you that bad she would have dumped her BF by now. Why would you even want to be interested in a girl that is willing to do stuff like this behind his back?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    You are friend zoned. She is clinging onto you because her BF doesn't give her the attention she craves. Better back off spending time with her because she is using you for emotional attention. If she really wanted you that bad she would have dumped her BF by now. Why would you even want to be interested in a girl that is willing to do stuff like this behind his back?
    Not sure why are you saying that. It doesn't seem like she's a "bad person" or that she "does stuff behind her BF's back". In my opinion, as i stated above, she MAY have something (not necessarily a crush) on this guy. Taking his hand while crossing the street is not cheating, God no. Nor kissing on the cheek if it went that way.

    I'm wondering what makes you think that way. Perhaps you have your own insecurities and complexes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    I never said she was cheating, BUT it can be seen as something her BF would not approve of. And most (who are in a relationship themselves) would find it inappropriate behavior for someone that is in a relationship. There is a thing called emotional affairs...you can have an affair with someone with out sexual contact.

    Hah insecurities and complexes, try again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I think the way you are describing her behaviour shows that she has shown interest in you as a friend. But still I think as an Indian girl, she might be interested in you. As I am too from India, holding a friend's hand in public while walking can be taken as a flirting thing. Get some more signs from her, like see what's her reaction when you describe or ask about another girl whom you both know. Don't just talk some straight forward questions, instead try to act as if you are asking about the other girl as you are interested in her(other girl). Or maybe sometime as you both walk together after the office hrs, try to leave somewhat early and dont wait for her or just message or phone her that you have already left. See what are her reactions on these things? If they are positive, I think maybe she might be looking forward to you as a mate in future.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Thanks jenny, whatever you had replied seems to be true, but I cant deny what others have viewed this relationship as. I think she looks at me as a close friend of hers. But as a girl from India, whatever you are saying is true then I must clear these facts with her. I am talking so because as you have asked me to get some signs from her, I have accidentally or maybe purposely have already tried them. For example,
    Situation 1:
    We were travelling in a bus after office one day with other colleagues from my office. It was on some topic that other guys started teasing me with another girl's name from my office. On this her reaction was like she got possesive and asked me am I sick to think about that girl?
    Situation 2:
    One day I left somewhat early as another colleague from my office was with me and he had to got to go somewhere. I had sent a text message to her that I have already left. She replied that she's left and coming downstairs. I thought she would walk outside the office building gate so I didn't bother to reply her. 2 minutes later when she called me I said I am at the bus stop near the office building. Upon that she got angry again and said she was searching me downstairs and that I was "a mean" to leave early without her.

    Moreover she also asked me one day if i could come early the same time she comes to office so that we could reach the office together as well.

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