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Thread: Kids and Christmas gifts ?

  1. #1
    Moe's Avatar
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    Kids and Christmas gifts ?

    Was dumped by the Ex. in August after 3 years kept close contact till about 5-6 weeks ago. We each have three kids.
    I bought presents for her kids over the year before the break-up 2 out of the three anyway and something for her that she said she wanted back in June. Her boys love me like their dad but haven't had contact with then in about a month, (the youngest one cries everythime he sees me)the kids all keep in contact though. Also one of the reasons she used for the break-up was I stole her kids from her, basically I gave them attention and she doesn't.
    Do I give them the Gifts or not??????????????????????????????????????????????
    I miss them like crazy we did everything together.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would buy them gifts, yes. Just don't expect her to let them have them.

    This really sucks for the kids. They feel like you broke up with them, I'm sure, even though it's their mom that did it.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
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    If you're doing it for the kids, then give her the presents to give to them however she wants. She can put "From: Santa" on the tags if she wants.

  4. #4
    Moe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I would buy them gifts, yes. Just don't expect her to let them have them.

    This really sucks for the kids. They feel like you broke up with them, I'm sure, even though it's their mom that did it.
    It does suck because I was actually with them more then her, I mentioned in another post there was two incidents where they ran into me in a store and they wouldn't go with her but wanted me.( I mean a screaming match where she had to pick them up and take them) A few days later she made the comment that I stole them from her. I miss them so darned much.
    I guess I'll drop them off where she works after the holidays.

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