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Thread: HELP! Please help me figure out the mind games he's playing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    HELP! Please help me figure out the mind games he's playing

    I've been seeing this guy for over a year. I met him online (his profile is still active on that site btw). Everything was beautiful until the year mark. He grew rather distant and his daily calls turned into weekly calls and even less than that. Our visits went from weekly to monthly.

    I was madly in love with him, but I knew from the beginning that he was possibly emotionally unavailable. However, he said that he loved me.

    His reasoning for cooling things down and "taking a break" in November was that I was too emotional and that he couldn't keep up with me. I don't consider myself needy at all. I'm a confident woman normally and usually am the one capable of giving advice, and not having to ask for it. I was just very comfortable with him and showed it. I'm very demonstrative. I give gifts and massages (he did not reciprocate) and lots of sex. I felt I was the perfect girlfriend. During the last few months, he has avoided answering questions, such as where I stand. After 3+ months, I felt he could at least answer that. He didn't keep in touch very often, either.

    He DOES have a lot on his plate and is busy at work.

    When I would ask questions, he would actually punish me by saying that he wouldn't answer because I've always ask. However, when we last talked, he was nice to me, but informed me he wanted to break up and not be "on a break" and be friends and told me he's said that several times. (He hasn't told me that prior and that was part of the info I was trying to get from him via my questions.) Why did he keep that important piece of info from me?

    He also said that he doesn't want a relationship until next year, if that. But if the friendship works out, he'll consider more after the first of the year. However, if I want to date other men, I should go ahead, since he feels we aren't a good match emotionally. And if he finds another woman in the interim, I'm to embrace that or I'm not a supportive friend.

    We had sex a few weeks ago in an attempt for me to try the friends with benefits thing, which I don't like at all, but I wanted to try it for him. He's always said I was the best he's ever had, but last night he said he's not sure he ever wants to have sex with me again....he might just want friends only...sex would cloud things.....which threw me completely....and it hurt......I left the conversation with more than I thought I would and I was shocked. He maintains that he's doing all this for my benefit.

    My question is....and I hate to ask it cause I know I should leave the situation, but should I just go with it and be friends and grin and bear it...maybe I'm expecting too much from him.....he's dangled the tiny prospect of us having a second chance....I want to say...he IS a good guy...but he has never admitted fault since I've known him, and when I compliment him daily, Ive asked him in the past to give me a compliment once in awhile, he refuses. He's a Leo and acts very much the king....I'm a Taurus. In the past week or so, he's given me the cold shoulder, but then denies it. I've never had anyone do this to me before. ....Thank you for reading............

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Get rid, he's walked all over you. Read your post, you've made all the effort and it's not reciprocated.

    Keep your self respect and walk away, don't hang on in hope, you'll only get your feelings trampled on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    bmore md
    1st, hes not ur friend, if he was u eouldnt b ****in him. Friends dont ****, its a mutual respect n both knowing those boundaries cant b crossed. 1 person is gonna walk away wit feelins. The fact that he knew it wasnt healthy enuf where he made a decision that was quite responsible was very mature. Now whether he genuinely out of concern 4 u, u might not kno but that should give u a slap upside ur head n make u step back 2 reasess the situation. If he doesnt want u as his #1 n ur givin ur all, then he isnt ur #1. If u have that much 2 give, then u give it 2 a man who knos about appreciation n gratitude! N the fact that he wasnt reciprocating , well that shoulda been ur end 2 end all!

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