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Thread: How obvious?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    How obvious?

    Hey for the girls out there, is it often obvious to tell if a guy likes you or not? Like how easily can you tell? Cause I heard women are better than men at reading body language and all that...
    Also, what's with playing with the hair? Does that mean anything? Do you girls only do it because you are bored or what? I see some girls curl their hair around their fingers then release it, then again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Oxford, UK
    I am personally rubbish at telling whether or not a guy likes me unless he's being blatently obvious! Trouble with that though is if he is that obvious it can be cringe worthy!! I mean this guy once sat next to me in a pub and kept touching my leg with his and then told me that I smelled wonderful. I almost wet myself laughing. But hey thats just me!
    And as for the hair thing, I don't think girls realise that they are doing it. I mean I don't think I ever purposely play with my hair but then again I probably do when talking to a guy I like. Sorry if these are really rubbish answers to your questions but hey! hehe

  3. #3
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    Nov 2004
    why don't you just ask her.

  4. #4
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Honestly.......I often do not even realize if a guy is into me. And if a guy makes some remarks that show interest.....sometimes it makes me wonder if he is into me or not. I usually assume he isn't....mainly becuz it could just be a friendly gesture or he is just trying to make small talk.

    Like for example....
    There is this guy I work with. We really usually don't talk about anything but work-related stuff. Well for two weeks we didn't work together....and then one day out of the blue....he asks me where I have been....and says ......oh we must just be missing each other.....not working the same days etc. He ends up bringing this up again the next time I see him. Then says....I think I saw you the other day before I left....and Im like ok....but kinda shocked he noticed.
    Then one day......we are talking about something work related and he compliments me on my watch. (My watch is a females watch......and very basic and cheap).... but it was like.....where did that come from? Then he does other things that kinda show interest in me. But honestly.....if he is interested.. To me it just says hes being nice.and making conversation. He throws glances my way....or I catch him staring. But honestly...that doesn't tell me alot... And seeing as we work closely together now.....I don't think its a wise idea to sit there and ask him if hes interested.

    So the point is .....if your interested in a girl. Let her know. Find out what she likes to do. Suggest hanging out......or something. Something that at least grabs her attention..... Then get to know her better from there... Cuz honestly alot of us are clueless...
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  5. #5
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    I'm pretty dumb.

    I'm particuarly dum about noticing if they lik eif I like them back. Because if I like them than I am more insecure and less certain. When teh feelings aren't mutual, it is often much more obvious...but even then sometimes I am unaware.

    Hair twirling? Totally unconscious. Do I do it? I don't know. Do I?

  6. #6
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Quote Originally Posted by clynn
    I'm pretty dumb.

    I'm particuarly dum about noticing if they lik eif I like them back. Because if I like them than I am more insecure and less certain. When teh feelings aren't mutual, it is often much more obvious...but even then sometimes I am unaware.

    Hair twirling? Totally unconscious. Do I do it? I don't know. Do I?

    She brought up a good point.

    Yeah if we like the guy......and he does certain things....sometimes we think we are overreacting to what he does......or are over analyzing it. So then we feel less certain they like us.

    I forgot to mention hair twirling.... I do it if im bored......or just have nothing better to do.....and sometimes I don't realize if Im doing it. Has nothing to do with trying to attract the opposite sex....at least in my experiences.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellynn
    So the point is .....if your interested in a girl. Let her know. Find out what she likes to do. Suggest hanging out......or something. Something that at least grabs her attention..... Then get to know her better from there... Cuz honestly alot of us are clueless...
    hmm...well let her know huh? doesn't always work out, a girl i liked last year used to talk to me lots until i told her im interested. Suggesting to hang out...well how to do that without making it like a date? cause if we were just to hang out as friends wut can we do? i had some bad experiences wit that...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What about a smile and a wuick look at the ground? does that mean anything?
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  9. #9
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Well honestly unless you make it pretty obvious you are into her....shes not gonna realize it. Maybe do something....to like flatter her. Compliment her on something.......(other then her watch) and see what her reaction is. Be like super sweet and attentive to her. See if she notices... Sometimes we notice that stuff...sometimes not. But shes bound to notice if your really nice to her.....and then gauge her reactions to this. If she acts even more distant....then I would take that as a hint shes not interested. But if shes like even more friendly with you.....then its time to ask her to hang out or something.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  10. #10
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    richmond b.c
    I'm more of the sensitive type so i can sometimes actually feel if there's somebody that's paying attention to what i'm doing, saying, or acting. And then i found find there was a person that's looking at me but not purposely starring. I can sometimes even sense something that's not right or something my bf is hidding from me. Nothing serious tho just tiny things. Yea.. it's kinda cool haha. I agree SOME women can read body language better than others. Now playing with the hair issue.. i don't see a lot of women play with their hair anymore other than in the washroom. But we do play with our hair when we're bored especially when we're talking to someone or an issue we're not that interested in.

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