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Thread: Does this girl regard me as a friend? ( long story,sorry but I need your advice)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Does this girl regard me as a friend? ( long story,sorry but I need your advice)

    We met 3 weeks ago, I invited her to the movies. We had a great time. she said I am so wonderful and she hope we can hang out again soon. I thought she just being polite so I did not ask her out again. The next week we met again she told me she missed me so so much and asked me to ask her out again soon. I did not because I thought she was being polite. The next day she wrote on my wall and said it was great to meet me again. I thought she might be interested in hang ut again so I message her and asked her out. She did not reply so I wrote on her wall and told her I missed her and told her I sent her message. She "like" my message. The next day I saw she was on line so I chated her on fb, she replied me very soon and told me she need to see her schedule and will tell me on Monday. On Monday her friends invited me played basketball with them she she came,too. I thought she remembered our hang out because she asked me if I invited others as well. The following week I did not ask her anything and she did not told me anything.
    The last week her friends and she and I went hiking together. Her friends and she were leaving to other countries and we probably won`t meet again. I thought I should hold my last chance to be with her so I often walked with her and talked to her often and everything was very natural. It looked like she did not know I like her. However I found other her friends looked at me everytime I talked to her. I asked her to take pictures with several times and others looked at her wondering if she was upset but she looked like nothing happened. She was so calm, and that makes me think if she was just being polite. The last day I drove them to the airport and I said goodbye to all of them. I hug everyone and gave each one of them a card to say goodbye, and
    when her turn she hug me so tide and we hug for a while in front of her friends and told me that we should keep in touch on facebook, I was a little surprised.
    I gave her a card to say good-bye. I wrote in the card telling her that I like her personality and by talking to her I found we have a lot in common, I kept asking her out and trying to talk to her because I want to know her more and I am straight and I am not hitting on her ( because I guess that she might mistaken me so she suddenly ignore my invitation)
    I think she read the card on the airplane, however, when she went back to her place she did not send me any messages...so I did not do anything and I was guessing if she dislike me.
    after 3 weeks, I saw her is on fb, so I chatted her and she chatted back right away. this is our conversation:
    Me:Minnie...are you going to go back to Australia again??
    she:I hope so! why do you ask?
    Me:I have heard that they are going to start a program with APU
    She:Yeah I think so
    I'm hoping to come back in a couple years
    Me:really? yayyy..I am soooo happy!!!

    What do you think? Does she regard me as a friend?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    anyone, please?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You didn't go for it. She told you repeatedly that she liked you and wanted to hang out with you. You just didn't pull the trigger, and she probably felt like you were blowing her off. Don't expect a call from her when she returns.

    Stop being afraid of a girl you like, thinking that you like her. That's what you should want. If this girl was on such a short time schedule, she was definitely trying to **** you and you blew it.

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