Billy its the law for families who are on any state assistance to have the proper accomodations for sleeping arrangements. Its not illegal for them to be sleeping in the same bed but its illegal if theyre is more than one person and theyre living in a one bedroom place. There is a difference.
Yet-concerning this thingy here-thats bs that theyre sleeping in the same bed-I dont care if the son is in there or not...that shouldnt be PERIOD. His ass should be on the couch! If youre involved with someone thats the last damn place you should be-in your x's bed? Come on-really HUGE RED FLAG!!!! If hes telling you the son is sleeping between them-oh and thats makes it ok? BS Id let him know youre not that niave to think anything else...tell him youre not comfortable with the sleeping arrangements and youre not having it shit-problem with this is that you will never know the truth-id bail girl. something is going on in that bed-whether you want to believe so or not-THATS NOT NORMAL!!! no way no how! I say this because if hes involved with you-he should NOT be in there...its like a gateway for shit to happen.
everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.