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Thread: Confused, hurt, but still slightly hopeful?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Confused, hurt, but still slightly hopeful?

    My boyfriend and I were dating for nearly 6 months when he decided to break up with me about a week ago...I was absolutely devastated. He got divorced 2 or 3 years ago, and has a toddler. He told me he has issues that he needs to work out before he can even think of a relationship...what issues exactly, I'm not sure, he wasn't very specific...he also said that he wasn't really feeling "love" for me, but just a strong friendship, and went into this blindly...could it be because of those "issues"? We have virtually everything in common, we have a blast whenever we are together, he thinks I'm beautiful, smart, funny, extremely good with his child....so I was a little confused. He said I did absolutely nothing wrong, and that he still cares about me tremendously, and wants me in his life no matter what...so I decided I am going to be friends with him and see what happens (Not a FWB type thing) because I do miss him and I still want him in my life too...I let him know the other day that I respect his decision and thanked him for being honest with me. But I still cannot help but wonder if there is still a chance for us...I know nobody but him has the answer for sure, but I do not think it's a good idea to ask him...arrgh, I'm just so confused and still hurting...can someone give me some input, please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    To be honest, I had been there, was in a relationship with a boy I wasn't love but I thought it was love , till around 6 months I realise that ut was a mistake, he seemed love me and hurted. I don't know If men are the same, ask in a male forum too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    His issues are probably that he isn't over his divorce...but really does the reason really matter? Any answer he gives you is not going to be good enough. If he said it was because you were always late to things you would counter with I can change. If he said it was because you smacked your lips when you ate you would say I can change. What if he said something completely superficial like you are not pretty enough or I don't like your hair etc.. would you change? Really -- no answer he provides you is going to be good enough and no response you give is going to be good enough to change his mind.

    if you want to put yourself through the torture of being his friend...go for it BUT I really do think you need to let this one go...at least until you have healed a little.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    We don't know his issues, so we can't really come up with something specific here. But this he already broke up
    with you, maybe you could go out there and live your life your way with your friends while still being friends
    with ex. let time do its thing...

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