I'll try to keep this short.

I have a problem with a girl I'm interested in.

The history...
I have known her for 4 years now. We work together at a big box retail store. About three years ago I asked her out, but she was dating another guy at the time. (She did tell me she would have gone if she was single) Well tell ended up getting engaged a while back. Then about 3 or 4 months ago it ended. It wasn't a clean break either. I know I waited too long the last time.

Fast forward to now...
I really want to take this chance to be with her. I just don't want to come on too strong, but I do want this very much. So about three weeks ago I asked if she wanted to go eat lunch with me. I felt I needed to give her some time, but I did not want to wait too long again. She initially said yes, but then later said she couldn't. I was bummed to say the least. In talking to some mutual friends she said she was still uncomfortable with dating at the moment. She is not comfortable with being alone with a guy at the moment as well. I would like to believe that there is an attraction there. Our friends also told me that it was the timing that made her say no and that she would have still gone out with me. (At least that's what they told me)

I wasn't going to ask her out, figuring my chance had been blown, but I noticed her giving me a lot more attention than she had before. She tended to hang around with me for longer periods than before, much longer. (Stuff we get in trouble for at work). She also seemed to give me very excited "Hello"s when I would see her. She would also touched me more often.

I guess I saw this as her showing interest in me. I really want to be the one she is with when she decides to go back out.

Things I have thought about...

--I know I may have gone into the dreaded "Friendzone" (Hope not!)

--I know it may be a while before she wants to date.

--The outcome may not be what I want.


I am just looking for some advice as to how to pursue this.

--How long should I wait to ask her again?
--How do I ask her again?

--Should I just tell her how I feel?
--Would she think less of me if I told her I would wait till she's ready?
--Is there anyway to state that I would wait for her for however long if she will go with me when she's ready?

(I guess I mean I don't want to wait for nothing)

Thank you for reading, and advice in advance.