We have been together for 5 months and she is my first ever girlfriend. But we never go out or spend time together at outdoors never once. To meet her, the only chance is to go to her house without her parents knowing. I understand that she has to take care a lot of things like taking care of her younger brother who is 2 yrs old. That was her reason for my question of why we're not spending much time at outdoors.

And from the first day we are together until now i've been trying to ask her out but she will just ignore me or change the topic or just say confirm with me later but eventually no plans have been make and if i keep asking again she will get piss off.

Even when im outside and she happens to be there in the same place, i still couldn't have my chance of meeting her in person except in her house.

The problem that i'm having is, how can i make plans with her and meet just like normal couples do. When i hear about my friends spending their time with their gfs, i get jealous and upset, coz i dont seem to have that in my relationships.

Someone who is professional please help me.
i need advice.