Hey guys, I have a situation here. There is a girl in my college class that I like. I caught her looking at me a few times when I was looking at her during class, but I have never talked to her because I had a girlfriend and I felt like I would be compelled to ask her out and it would make everything complicated (I know stupid). so last week I walk into class 1 minute before class starts and nobody is there but her (kinda crazy right?). So I asked if class was canceled to try and start a conversation with her. she says "I don't think so the professor always comes in a couple minutes late I guess everyone tired of waiting." then she continues the conversation by asking me, "how do you think you did on your test?" I answered her and asked her how she did. after that she asked me how to do math problems, I really didn't know to answer her question, then she said never mind ill ask the professor.I got a smile though. I was about to introduce myself to her(I don't even know her name) but then some random old dude who isn't even in the class walks in and starts asking questions about this class. A couple seconds after he walked in, a few students walked in and the girl that sits next to me who also happens to be in my English class asks me about last English class because she was absent. By the time all that ended class started. I wanted to talk to her after class but she always takes forever to leave, I'd feel weird just sitting there waiting for her to leave then to catch up with her and I feel weird leaving before her and waiting for her to come out to talk to her. So that happened last week. I didn't talk to her at all this week. how should I approach this situation? I only have a couple weeks left before school ends. sorry its kinda long
