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Thread: For The Guys....Your Thoughts Plz

  1. #1
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    For The Guys....Your Thoughts Plz

    This is a spin-off of the 'Do Guys Go To Strip Clubs' thread in the dating forum, but I wanted to get some specific answers from guys just to clear some stuff up. Guys.....thoughts pls!

    1. Do you think it is wrong to look at porn/strippers while in a relationship? Would you consider this disrespectful to your gf if you really loved her?

    2. If you are in a relationship, do you have a gf who doesn't like/forbids you from looking at porn or strippers? If yes, do you do it anyway?

    3. Do you think you look at porn/strippers because you don't get as turned on enough by gf, or because you aren't getting enough sex, or is it just 'male urges'?

    4. If a girl/your gf were to get really upset about you looking at that stuff, would you think she was overreacting?

    Just wanted to make sure my ideas on this are clear.
    For the record, I don't have a problem with my bf looking at it.

  2. #2
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    1.I don't think there's anything wrong if you're looking at porn while you're in a relationship. I don't think people understand the emotional attachment, trust, communication and everything that is required to build a solid relationship so a lot of girls just concentrate on that one question...why is he looking at other girls?

    2. When i had a g/f she wasn't very open about it and even though I never really did anything wrong, she seemed to find a way to complain about things.

    3. I think male urges is the best answer there...for me anyways...can't speak for the rest of the guys.

    4. Yes

    Also, bluesummer, I don't think there are too many women who are that understanding, your b/f is a lucky guy.

  3. #3
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    1. Do you think it is wrong to look at porn/strippers while in a relationship? Would you consider this disrespectful to your gf if you really loved her?

    Absolutely not. Those of us who exist in the real world come to accept the fact that no matter what, guys dig chicks. End of story. Show me a guy who lies and says "I would never look at another woman!" and I will show you a fudge packing fool.

    Any woman dumb enough to actually believe that her man is never looking at or thinking about another woman might as well turn butch. It aint going to happen sister.

    The real question is, why deny such primal instincts? When you deny them, that's when the trouble begins. The man will naturally do it anyway. This breeds something really fun I like to call: resentment. And boy isn’t that a great addition to any relationship!

    2. If you are in a relationship, do you have a gf who doesn't like/forbids you from looking at porn or strippers? If yes, do you do it anyway?

    Never again would I allow myself to be in this sort of relationship. I have 15+ gig of video porn alone on my hard drive. My screensaver is over 5,000 naked women, lesbians, and chicks getting boned. If I see a hot chick, I check her out. I imagine just how hot she must be naked.

    Does this mean I love my girlfriend any less? Absolutely not. I am what's called a mature adult, in that these types of things are not impacting my relationship in any other way other than my own enjoyment. I would never in a million years cheat on my girlfriend, regardless of the circumstance.

    No matter how many hot chicks I check out, how many girls I look at, she knows for a fact that even when I go on a "date" with a girlFRIEND, she trusts me enough to know that I am not going to mess around with her.

    This is called being confident and secure in your relationship.

    3. Do you think you look at porn/strippers because you don't get as turned on enough by gf, or because you aren't getting enough sex, or is it just 'male urges'?

    My girlfriend knows what women are my favorites. She knows who and what I think is hot. Hell, she even buys me pornographic images. (I collect erotic art) Do I think for a second any of these broads could do for me or be there for me like my girlfriend does? Absolutely not. She is the love of my life, and no level of "hot" can ever steer me clear of that from my woman. Even though my girlfriend isn't the most gorgeous woman on the planet, I would never leave her or mess around on her.

    So, in answer to the question, it's mostly urges, and the fact that I love Art and women in general

    4. If a girl/your gf were to get really upset about you looking at that stuff, would you think she was overreacting?

    Again, never in my life would I allow myself to be with a woman who allowed such fascist Nazi demands. I am a man. Who likes porn and naked women. If you are going to have a problem with this, then I will find a more suited woman.

    Guys, never settle for a woman who you can't be exactly who you really want to be with. Sure, this doesn't mean you should be able to sleep around with other women, cheat on her and demand she cooks for you 3 meals a day. But any woman that demands you never even look at another woman is a closet dyke who needs to have her vagina revoked.


  4. #4
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    1. No the reason you are lookin at porn in the first place is because you ain't getting any from her. It's her fault.

    2. She wont know what you are doing unless Mr. hand tells her. It's her fault you are looking at it.

    3. Both male urges and not getting enough of that sweet lovin

    4. It would be her fault i looked at it so yes shes overreacting
    ...and don't forget to use a Jimmy Hat

  5. #5
    Tone's Avatar
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    1. Do you think it is wrong to look at porn/strippers while in a relationship? Would you consider this disrespectful to your gf if you really loved her?

    No. Like everyone else said, it's just natural.

    2. If you are in a relationship, do you have a gf who doesn't like/forbids you from looking at porn or strippers? If yes, do you do it anyway?

    N/A ._.

    3. Do you think you look at porn/strippers because you don't get as turned on enough by gf, or because you aren't getting enough sex, or is it just 'male urges'?

    Male urges.

    4. If a girl/your gf were to get really upset about you looking at that stuff, would you think she was overreacting?

    Not really.. if she doesn't like it to the point she gets upset about it - then to me it's a small enough sacrifice I'd happily stop.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    1. Do you think it is wrong to look at porn/strippers while in a relationship? Would you consider this disrespectful to your gf if you really loved her?

    I think it's about the rules you've defined in your own relationship. If I was to be with a very conservative girl who doesn't approve of such things and finds it disrespectful for me to view porn, etc., and she specifically asks you not to do these things, then you are obviously lying and thus being disrespectful. If you're with a liberal girl who could care less, there's no offense so it's all good.

    2. If you are in a relationship, do you have a gf who doesn't like/forbids you from looking at porn or strippers? If yes, do you do it anyway?


    3. Do you think you look at porn/strippers because you don't get as turned on enough by gf, or because you aren't getting enough sex, or is it just 'male urges'?

    N/A for me, but I do often hear that even when you've got a girl you still want to do things like masturbate and watch porn.

    4. If a girl/your gf were to get really upset about you looking at that stuff, would you think she was overreacting?

    Again, everyone is at different levels of liberation, so if I'm with a conservative girl, I would almost expect her to get really upset, and if she's liberal, I would expect her not to. If the question is whether I think it's a big deal: No, I'm a liberal, so I wouldn't "overreact" and anyone who would does not share my philosophies.

  8. #8
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    I, personally, do not respect the thing that you watch porn when in relationship. I mean, your own girlfriend isn't enough for you? Or are the love and sex completely different things, so that you need different persons for that?

    Hmm, but actually I think I am a bit young to tell this since I havent been in any strip club or something.

    Or is the thing so, that your girlfriend is like too beatuiful and clean, so, you have to watch porn etc? Why do you need that dirtiness anyway?

  9. #9
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    cause the dirtiness feels good ...but seriously boobaa, are you saying you've never watched any porn or checked out some hot girls ass while you were in a relationship with someone else? It's a form of entertainment really...as long as you don't cross the line and actually cheat on your g/f, i dont 'think there's anything wrong with it. Many relationships end because of this and i think it's really silly. If you love your g/f very much and she loves you back there should be total trust.

  10. #10
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    Well, I have watched porn, but not when in relationship.
    When I had close contacts with that girl who is now gone, I pretty much gave up to all those dirty things, including porn watching.

    Well, if you are in strip club and some strippar gives you a dance or something, you may, lets say, **** her aswell, it would still be entertainment?
    Last edited by boobaa; 15-06-05 at 04:37 AM.

  11. #11
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    That's really nice...I know what you're saying..It's always like that when you're first with someone, but after awhile, it's not that you start disliking her appearance or anything (it's not all physical) but for you, the urge might come more often so that's where porn comes in. I like those days though, only having one special girl on your mind.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by boobaa
    Well, I have watched porn, but not when in relationship.
    When I had close contacts with that girl who is now gone, I pretty much gave up to all those dirty things, including porn watching.

    Well, if you are in strip club and some strippar gives you a dance or something, you may, lets say, **** her aswell, it would still be entertainment?

    no, definitely not...like i said, you gotta draw the line somewhere...if you go and sleep with her, you've crossed that line and you deserve it if you get dumped.

  13. #13
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    Or castrated, as my woman has promised


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    Or castrated, as my woman has promised

    lol...exactly, that's why all the girls should make it clear to the guys that if they do anything stupid as mentioned above, there will be serious consequences...and ladies, a lot of guys are clueless so unless you tell them, they willl actually think you're ok with pretty much everything they do.

  15. #15
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    I think looking at porn is fine. The only case is if you need it during intercourse. But if i had a girlfriend and she minded me looking at it, i wouldn't hesitate to stop, but i would think she was overreacting.

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