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Thread: long distance relationship. help needed :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    long distance relationship. help needed :(

    right where to start.

    joined a dating site many months ago on friends referrals. anyhow ended up talknig to this one girl, exchanged numbers f.book etc.

    she seemed really nice, genuine, though straight away I noticed she was a little over jealous (considering we hadnt even met yet)
    she had been cheated on in the past nad had trust issues but there was something about her that just clicked.

    ended up meeting, enjoyed eachothers company. decided we meet again.

    anyway to cut a long story short we have been together for about three months now. there is a distance of a 1 hour 30 mins car travel between us. we meet every weekend and poss once during the week depending on our work.

    at first before we had met she would ring me a few times a day, texts loads and if I didnt reply very quick send another asking why. ( to some weird but I thought cute)
    anyhow of late she says I ring her to much, that she cant sit on the phone for hours at a time and talk. I prob ring her a few times during the day just to see how she is etc etc and find out whats new. She says she will ring me but stuff seems to crop up....then when I spoke to her tonight and said I think things have changed she said Im being stupid. that nothing has changed she still wants me and all that. but this has got to stop.she said Im too clingy and if I dont back off she wont be able to handle it and will finish it.
    trouble is the odd time one of my mates has been round and I dont reply RIGHT AWAY to her msg she just turns round and says
    'fine then'
    'ill leave you to it'
    she has said Ive changed as I never used to get silly. I said I have insecuritys and she says she understands it.
    But Im jsut confused now. feel like I cant ring her incase she ends it.

    Ive fallen for this girl so much though I feel like a mug. that she doesnt feel it back and I dont know what to do.
    We spoke about potantially getting a place next year, both seemed excited though now it seems like it wont happen.

    I guess i have got abit silly in the sense I feel like Im not good enough for her and she will eventually leave me, so I suppose I keep looking for signs that its going downhill...when its not and by doing so Iam actually pushing her away.

    I know I love this girl, and she has expressed it back ( she told me first)

    Im just totally confused as I told her we used to talk loads and she said she cant do it no more. she said she still sees a future with me but is worried?

    I know I want this girl, love this girl. she has expressed that she wants me to be her last. But after her recent words Im starting to wonder whether she meens what she says. I wonder how many other blokes she has said these things to.

    please I need advice. I want to be with her and want to make it work. but when I feel insecure I know its not good.
    we have been and are so happy but this has dented us. is there any return.

    Sorry if information is vague. Im abit upside down at the moment and if people want to know anything else then please ask away.
    I cant talk to my friends or family about this as they will think its stupid.

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Sounds like she's bored shitless of talking all the time and I know where she is coming from because I have someone like you who is forever calling and talking about random shite and repeating same old stories, he's feeling unwell today, blah, blah, blah. I don't think any the less of him for calling however, he just does my head in sometimes with the constant 'ring' ring'...lol

    Just don't call her as much I guess.

  3. #3
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    I'm not thrilled about her saying "don't be stupid". I feel for you on this because being apart is difficult and having the respect and reassurance of your girl is important while you are apart. Trust me I just got done making a fool of myself and fortunately for me, my woman is perfect and didn't put me on BLAST for acting insecure about us. The point is that just like someone told me. You have to be confident and be yourself. If you are calling her too much then just tone it down a bit. Think about as if you were troubleshooting your car or computer for problems. Look at it objectively.... if you slow down the calls and she is still super distant then just speak your mind. Let her know you have true feelings for her but if it doesn't work out then you can still be friends. To bring this into focus, you met her online out of how many eligible women that might be a perfect match for you? Have you purchased the new car without shopping at other dealerships first??? I hope this helps you out and I don't claim to have all the answers but maybe this spark something inside you. It's better to regret something you have done, rather than regret something you haven't done. Think about it.

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