I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 yrs because he was abusive, to say the least and im only 22. I almost immediately slept with my best friend's cousin, who I have had a crush on for a while.. My ex and him were kind of friends too. We talked every day after for about a week and a half and then my ex created a ton of drama because he found out. We slept together twice and they were probably the best nights I've ever had. This new guy was calling himself my man and making plans to go out with me before all the drama and then just stopped talking to me. My ex got all of our friends involved. It's been about 2 weeks and I'm still thinking about him, he's like everything I have wanted in a guy. I have a new number and have been contemplating texting him even though we haven't talked. I could use some thoughts and opinions on this situation..?