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Thread: I want to dedicate my life to making her happy! But I need some advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    I want to dedicate my life to making her happy! But I need some advice.

    Hey everyone,

    I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

    I love a girl who is in love with her ex. They're trying to get back together. I want to win her over because he disappoints her and doesn't prioritize her. She knows I like her and she has feelings for me-always had, but she's overpowered by her love for the ex.

    We've talked about how I'm better for her than he is, but she would feel bad to date me because I'm close with everyone in her network and it would hurt him. She likes making him happy. Her relationship with him is unhealthy though, and she knows it. She experiences disappointment more than she does love. He's cheated on her many times and she always finds out in unfortunate ways.

    I'm wondering if I should work on this, or if I should move on. I want her in my life and I want to make her happy because I don't trust any other guy to treat her properly. I think about the long term, being engaged, marriage, and with kids, and she asked me questions about it. I want everything. I never thought I'd ever say this phrase about anyone but; she is THE one.

    It seems like it's best, if she is clearly in love with him, to just move on. But my feelings are powerful and I want to fight to win her over.

    Is it okay?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    You'd be foolish to do so.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It must feel real crappy when your "the one" actually thinks you're "the two"

    Dude. Google "White Knight Syndrome" and read up about what ails you. This girl does not think you are the one and you can't fix her and her issues. If she thought you were her "the one" she wouldn't be trying to get back with a douche that treats her poorly now would she.

    Think about this: She'd rather be with a douche in an unhappy state with a guy that "doesn't prioritize her" - someone she doesn't even trust then to be with you. What's that tell you about her and her lack of self respect and esteem? What's that tell you about your obsession with her who does not want to be with you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Yeah.. She does have low self esteem, and suffers from anxiety and depression. If I win her over I can teach her to be more independent. I care about her more than she cares about herself probably. She's just been through a lot of crap in her life and it has had an effect on her. She deserves better, and I want to be provide that better life for her. I'm not a number 2 though, and if she gives me a chance, I'm more than confident that her mind will open up to realize that she did deserve better than that ex.

    Do you still think unwise to move forward with this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You're not her number 2 because you're probably more like number 20. This girl sees you as another girl. Hell, I see you as another girl too. You're all concerned with her feelings and shit and making her feel good..she doesn't want that. She wants a guy to treat her like shit, so if you want her, that's what you need to do. Stop being so available, and start being short with her. Really, you've already lost though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Why do you want something that's broken so bad? The reason people date is to find someone who's not broken....make sense?! Jeez!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Lol. yeah, you guys are right. I'm not going to pursue this. Thanks.

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