So, i've been dating my girlfriend for like three months. Two months ago, things were 100 times better than they are now, but let me explain what i mean. We were much more comfortable with each other, always texted, talked, all that 100x a day. Then it started to drop off and my girlfriend said it was not me, it was because she really started to get feelings for me and it scared her because of what her last ex did to her. Then things would get a little better and then back again. Now, we talk like every other night and text a dozen times a day or so and i usually only see her on the weekends now. Before it was constant texting and talking and i saw her like 5 times a week. I keep asking all the time if shes bored or uninterested and the like and she keeps assuring me it's not me. It's her work getting busier (which it is) and the fear of getting hurt keeps eating away at her. We have not gotten intimate yet past kissing as she wants to take it slow because of getting hurt which i understand and i have posted this up in a few spots, but never on a section where women only answer the questions. So these are the norm answers i get:
give it time and see if she comes around
give her the space she wants and see what she does
go by your gut
If it bothers you that much, leave her
yada yada yada
So, i openly admit that going into this relationship i have my "baggage". HUGE insecurity problems from my past 3 relationships, bigtime confidence issues, trust issues up the wing-wang.
So, i guess what i'm asking is, how can i work through understanding her insecurities when mine instantly go through the roof?