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Thread: need help please read more im desperate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    need help please read more im desperate

    Alright, so there's this girl. Ill call her cat and myself dog to make this easier. We both are fresh. and we have no classes together except lunch where I see her sitting with all her
    Nfriends but I've never interacted with her at all. I know her cause I've seen her play volleyball and from asking people I found our her name and all. I found out that we both like to sing,play sports. So well, she is popular and nice pretty and talented. I am like right around the middle, not the best looking but not that bad and I'm really talented but I don't show it off at all. So I finally added her on Facebook which she accepted even though she didn't know me. I chatted her and she just asked do I know you and I kinda introduced myself but she had to go so yea. Today I said hey and I just chatted about her volleyball a bit then I asked her bout music and she told me whar she liked nd all. Then I asked her if she sang which she responded with yes and I told her I don't sing cause that just isn't me. Then she said I was probably good and said she had to go. Throughout this convo I asked her questions and she said alot back but didn't ask much ... Idk how that conversation went but I can't stop thinking bout it. I really don't want a relationship just a really good friend to talk to and she just seems so nice. I can imagine us talking for hours but it'll probably never happen. That convo wasn't that great but I told her something thay nobody else except me knows. I told her that I.like to sing which no one else but God knows. I was gonna say that your just the type that seems trustworthy but she hadda go. Now I can't get her off my mind. I wanna getta know her. I know it seems Like I like her which I do but no relationships lol. But how do I get herf to actually talk to me and enjoy it as a best friend.? So um that's it but here are some specific things I need help with:
    1. How can I get her to actually talk to me?
    2. Do I have a chance at becoming good friends?
    3. Overall opiniOn.
    4. Am I really in love with someone I barely talk to?
    5. How should I convice her what kinda guy I.am without being Flirty.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hi farahm5: Answering your specific questions in a moment. But you seem to think that you can, "get," people to do behaviors YOU want. I've never seen it work that way. You have to approach this slowly and just see what happens. You can WISH all you want. This girl sounds like she might be friend potential, but you don't really know her. You have no reason to trust her yet. People have to know each other and to earn trust before secrets are shared.

    1. How can I get her to actually talk to me? Talk to you on what level? She IS talking to you! You just want more, and that will take time and you have no control how it will turn out.
    2. Do I have a chance at becoming good friends? Maybe. I know that isn't the answer you want, but we don't know at this point. She is being nice to you. And honestly, you really don't know that she's trustworthy....you are just hoping she is.
    3. Overall opinion - Take this slowly. Don't be pushy. Be kind an pleasant. Be yourself! This girl could have an awful character and you have to find that out first!
    4. Am I really in love with someone I barely talk to? No, it sounds like you are in a little bit of lust, and that you would like this girl to be a friend.....but LOVE? Love is way deeper than infatuation.
    5. How should I convince her what kinda guy I am without being flirty - only through your behavior. That's the bottom line! You can't convince any one of anything - only your behavior can.
    Hope this helps. Ann

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You get her to talk with by getting involved in something she's into. Y could also ask her on a fate, but this is tricky if you don't want a relationship.

    I have to ask - Why do you seek only friendship with someone who you feel more than friendship for? Seems like a very strange approach to me.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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