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Thread: Im worried I said something about my girlfriend? PLEASE HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Im worried I said something about my girlfriend? PLEASE HELP

    Basically, I had a friend of mine who i used to go to school with before we finished and he and I were really close (we are both 19 btw). So as guys do they talk about their relationship problems to their mates. I remember that on a number of occasions when i had fights with my girlfriend i spoke to him about it although i'm worried i said something which I might regret like "she's a b*tch" or something even worse....(I tend to say things which i don't mean when i'm upset)
    My problem is, is that i've had a big fight with this 'friend' of mine and he and I aren't speaking and i'm concerned that he could one day tell my girlfriend the things that i might have said...
    I know im being extremely paranoid although I love this girl so much and I wouldn't want to lose her because i've said something which i didn't even mean... I don't even know if i've said anything in the first place, although it wouldn't be hard for him to prove to her if i have said something. He is also the sort of kid who would go to these lengths and i know this because he and I were close and hes done this sort of thing to other people before. This paranoia is driving me INSANE, i feel as though i can't be happy until this situation blows over.. Should I tell her that this is on my mind? Because it's better if she hears it from me... If you have any suggestions it would mean so much
    Thank-you for your time =D

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    If you girlfriend knows you, she knows that when you get angry you can say hurtful things about people you actually care about. So even if she finds out from your ex-friend what you said during the times you were angry at her, she will know that it was just because you were pissed, and that you don't really think those things.

    If you are so worried about this non-problem, then yes, by all means tell her. Make her read what you just posted, or anyway tell her exactly the same things. I highly doubt that she will get mad, everyone says things they don't mean when they're angry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I think you can bring her a gift or take her to a nice place then tell her I wanna tell you something I did when I was angry and tell her the story , you don't trust this guy anyway and it seems he'd do that so it would be better if you told her yourself . At least you can fix it with her if she got upset with you for a while but she'll appreciate you told her at last. just try to control yourself when you get upset .Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    This post goes deeper than a few rude comments you said about her in the heat of the moment. I think things with you and her are pretty rocky, and you are just being paranoid that this will make her dump you. IMO let her, she probably did deserve those comments anyways.

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