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Thread: Things to think about??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Kelso, Wa

    Things to think about??

    Ok i see you all saying that the way to not blow your wad in 30 sec is to think about something else. Well being a visual person I cant freakin think of anything else cept that fact that im bumping uglies...... My present Gf thinks its gross to masturbate so she wont let me wack off before we get busy. If i do she wont touch me. Damnit..... So my question is What is everyones forsure knock out thing to think about. Im all about foreplay but she wont let me go down stairs on her, and i love to do it. She smells great and Has blonde hair nicely trimmed :::shiver::: anyways i take my time, im not anxious by any means, i just have no stamina.. Unless im drunk then its a freakin marathon.... Im desperate need of help..... Im about ready to just write it off and forget about doing it at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't TELL her you're masterbating beforehand. Do it before you meet up with her. Or try some different condoms (some thicker ones give you less sensation. There are even some with NUMBING agents in them to keep you from exploding to early).

    Just don't think about your mother. Cause then once you think about her once, your mind will keep jumping back to her and you won't be able to think about anything else and then it's kinda like . . . . well, kinda like your doing . . . . never mind.

    Rod Steele

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Before being with this girl, did it also take you 30 seconds to reach orgasm when you masturbated?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Kelso, Wa
    no about 2 min or less, i seriously get turned on by her smell, the perfume whe wears, when i think about her smile or how she looks at me .... I stand at attention.. sigh its anoying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    I would go with Alexi's idea. Using a condom with a numbing agent can help drastically.

    Plus, she's asking alot. Saying you can't masterbate when u want too... Just do it anyways and not tell her...

    I understand that some girls don't like having a guy go down on them. Sometimes its just because they think its gross or they are embarrased about it... which i'll never understand.... but.. whatever

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PickupMan
    no about 2 min or less, i seriously get turned on by her smell, the perfume whe wears, when i think about her smile or how she looks at me .... I stand at attention.. sigh its anoying.
    2 minutes is still very short.

    Thinking about non-sexy things, wearing more than one condoms and trying to numb your penis are short term solutions.

    Any competent sexologist will tell you that training with masturbation is the key to control. You should masturbate when you are alone and try to make it last as long as possible. You have learn to feel when the orgasm is near and slow down or stop to "diffuse" it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    yep, what uncertain said. and DO NOT wear two condoms at once, that actually breaks them because of the friction against each other and makes them worse than just wearing a single one as far as protection goes. I dunno about you guys, but when i have time to myself, i try to make masterbation last as long as possible. Just because that way the rush at the end is sooo much better. Serious try it, try getting to the point where you are about to cum and then slow down or stop and then wait a bit and go at it again, then once you finally are ready to blow its so much better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    You could just try keeping it up all day without actually going off. That's if you do not have to go out that day. Just give it some sensations every now and then to keep it up, but not to the point when you need to blow your load. It would get your dick to last longer when the real sex comes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sfalexi
    Just don't think about your mother

    OMG Alexi that's too funny! LOL!

    "Don't let your memories kill you"
    I express my emotion by shooting things....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Guys, you should NEVER wear two condoms at once. It's really not healthy and it is a feast for a number of STDs...

    As for PickupMan's issue: there's no reason why you shouldn't masturbate before meeting with her. Plus, GBRaul gave you excellent advice.

    As for her little trouble with your willingness to give her oral pleasure... she definitely doesn't know what she's missing.:-)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i think that in time things will get better dont pressure yourself, i undersatnd that you want to please your girl....i feel that she should be understanding and work with you on this and not be so weird aout you jerking off!!! does she masterbate? ne ways im sure she dosent or maybe she does. i used to be the kind of girl that didint like to be eaten out until the right time and guy came along now i love to be eaten once you brake this barrier alot of things change then she will wnat it all the time. will she give you oral? if you dont mind me asking how old are you both?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Kelso, Wa
    First question, she does not masterbate, she flattly says its gross for anyone to do that. I have eaten her out before, 2 times actually and both times she enjoys it but wont let me do it for more than a minute, she then just flipps me on my back and gives me a BJ. I know she likes it but i think she thinks to much about how she thinks about it rather than just enjoy it.(that was alot of "thinks") Im 24 shes 24. The last time we had sex was the first in a long time, so as soon as i penetrated i knew it would not last long, i told her it was gonna be very short, and asked her if i could go take care of the first one and get it out of the way or perhaps can she take care of it and she just grabbed my ass and shoved me in. Needless to say it wasnt pretty, we had no protecion at that time so i pulled out and hit the wall, and her eyes, and the wall again, it made both of us laugh, we cleaned up i was in the mood again and she just wanted to go to bed. Grrrrr so fustrating. If i get the first out of the way i have been able to go 4 hours or more on the next... sigh...............

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    when i wasnt for oral it was cuz i at first i couldnt take it the sensation and everything it was too much i think it felt its hard to describe but alli can say is keep trying with that. have you ever considered tieing her up?

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