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Thread: how would you like to be approached???

  1. #1
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    how would you like to be approached???

    From someone that you just saw, how would you females like to be approached??
    Last time, i just asked for her number.
    and my friend told me i sounded rediculous.
    i mean........ .............. do guys sound rediculous when they ask for females number??
    well. not worrying about what my friend said.
    is there any way that you would like to be approached????

  2. #2
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    I wouldnt want to be approached by a stranger and asked for my number. Id either think A. What a loser or B. Hes desperate.

    If someone catches your eye and she signals something back then by all means work your way over and start a conversation. Talk to the person for a bit BEFORE asking for a phone number. Once you've established a conversation get a feel for her first. Talk for a bit, small chat nothing heavy.

    Show some confidence not arrogance. Then if all goes well, at the end you can ask if you feel its right!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  3. #3
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    I'm horrible at it, I'm too shy to ask complete strangers for their numbers. Also kind of hurts that I'm kind of retarded when it comes to reading signs. An attractive girl who was behind the counter at Starbucks offered me a free sample out of no where and asked me if I came there often, if I was from around here, and other random stuff, and then ended with saying "my name is Katie, hopefully I'll see you again". I didn't catch on until I 10 minutes after I left the place and was kicking myself all the way to school.

  4. #4
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy12 View Post
    I'm horrible at it, I'm too shy to ask complete strangers for their numbers. Also kind of hurts that I'm kind of retarded when it comes to reading signs. An attractive girl who was behind the counter at Starbucks offered me a free sample out of no where and asked me if I came there often, if I was from around here, and other random stuff, and then ended with saying "my name is Katie, hopefully I'll see you again". I didn't catch on until I 10 minutes after I left the place and was kicking myself all the way to school.
    haha yeah that can be the hardest part - recognizing opportunities.

    It's always clear as day to an outsider looking in... but when you're actually in the situation - sometimes the thought of anything other than friendly conversation doesn't even come up until minutes/hours later.

    I think we've all been there.

  5. #5
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    how about A and B ! haha :p
    well. yes, you are right.
    she works at office supply, so.................
    i should ask her about some office supplies then ask for her number or for a date.

  6. #6
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    This made me think of someone who asked me out a very, very long time ago. I think it was the most compelling approach I've ever witnessed.

    I was at a movie with a girlfriend of mine, and some guys were sitting near us. One of them turned, made direct, unmistakable eye contact for about three seconds, which seemed like forever, gave me a smile and a wink, then went back to watching the movie. I couldn't stop thinking about it. He'd been so... bold!

    Afterwards, they left before we did. I thought, "Oh, well. Guess I'd better forget about him.", but he and his friends were waiting by the door. He walked right up to me and my friend, put his hand on my shoulder and said, very earnestly, "I must have your phone number." Neither of us had a piece of paper, so he borrowed a pen and wrote it on his hand.

    He called the next day and I dated him all summer.

    He wasn't all that great-looking. He didn't have much money. He wasn't even all that interesting, but he was confident. He knew what he wanted and he went for it with the single-mindedness of, well, of a retard, actually. It worked.
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  7. #7
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    My girlfriend was hit on twice in one day, when she got dressed up for an interview. One guy had asked her if she "had babies", then if she had a boyfriend and offered to be hers if she were ever rid of me.

    I felt complimented and jealous at the same time. Too bad this was after my visit, because it would have led to some heated time in the bedroom.

  8. #8
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    I was going to start a new thread to ask about a girl I met yesterday, but seeing this one, I think it actually fits here rather nicely.

    Basically, in college, I see tons of pretty girls, I know and hang out with a few, but ever since my last relationship, every girl I've hung out with has had something that I see as a sign that it would never work out between us. (I wrote another post about this somewhere else)

    However, last night, at a party (a calm, dinner party, not some rave or something, mind you) this girl walked in, and I don't think I've ever seen someone who I felt more attracted to within the first few minutes. She had the disarmingly beautiful, but blissfully unaware, nerdy-facade look, (something I like to call the "She's all That" syndrome. If you haven't seen the movie....don't, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about) and she was smart and social and funny. Perfect smile and laugh; not too sensitive when I teased her...just spunky and feminine.

    I obviously talked to her for most of the evening, flirted with her a bit, even gave her and her friends a ride home, but at the end of the night, since it was always a group setting, and I felt a little shy, all I really have is her name and some assorted facts about her. She's not a friend of mine, she's not even a friend of a friend. She's a friend of a friend's friend. I have no idea how I should try to hang out with her again. I'm so intrigued; I've never had such an initial infatuation before. If you were in her shoes, what would you see as the best way to be approached by me after this? (I don't just want to be lame and friend-request her on facebook and send her a message or something to that effect, but if that's the only first step I can think of, I will)

  9. #9
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    Get on it, right now. Ask your friend to ask his/her friend of-a-however long it goes for permission to get her number. Now. Today.
    Spammer Spanker

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Get on it, right now. Ask your friend to ask his/her friend of-a-however long it goes for permission to get her number. Now. Today.
    Yeah, don't wait until your charms wear off.

  11. #11
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    thanks you.

  12. #12
    Tedel's Avatar
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    So that's the secret? Sometimes the fear of rejection makes us feel nervous. Any easing comment about that?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    He knew what he wanted and he went for it with the single-mindedness of, well, of a retard, actually. It worked.
    LOL! I can't be the only one who finds this kind of post hilarious.

    You don't happen to know what became of Don Retardo, do you?

  14. #14
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    I like it when guys start random converstaions with me. And if they are lucky and I find the converstaion interseting, or if I'm in a good mood, I just might be friendly. I like when a guy smiles too...
    Or if a guy cracks a joke (and an actual funny one, not a: "what do you call a blah blah blah") if he's actually FUNNY, that is a HUGE turn on for me.
    But if some random guy starts yelling "HEY", or "WHERE YOU GOING? YOU WANNA HANG OUT?"
    I'm all "no thanks, creepazoid". :o)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post

    You don't happen to know what became of Don Retardo, do you?
    He joined the Navy, was in for six years, and now lives here and is an apartment manager or something. I think he's married.

    The first thing my boyfriend ever said to me was, "You know you're a total babe, right?" Again, confidence. Direct eye contact. No fidgeting. Bit of a smug expression.

    Guys- work on this. It's irresistible. Sure, you might be nervous as hell, you might feel like running to the bathroom to puke, but for the magic moment, be charming. Plenty of time to puke later.
    Spammer Spanker

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