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Thread: Does she like me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance

    Does she like me?

    Hey Females. I sorta kinda like this new girl at my school. Turns out she likes to surf like I do. I had this IM conversation with her. Perhaps theres not enough information to tell, and perhaps she doesn't like me at all and there are clear signs that she doesn't... I just can't tell.

    We certainly connected on the ocean point.

    (22:39:01) Me: hey?
    (22:39:41) Kate: heyy.
    (22:40:00) Me: Hey... It's Me
    (22:40:14) Kate: oo heyy...whats up.
    (22:40:40) Me: nm.. mostly just sitting at my computer wishing I wasn't in trouble so I could be at a party
    (22:40:43) Me: u?
    (22:42:02) Kate: tired..i was supposed tu go tu my friends party..but im super pissed at him and way tu tired..soo..
    (22:42:46) Me: What did he do?
    (22:43:05) Kate: turned intu an ass...what else..
    (22:43:19) Me: Lol
    (22:43:31) Me: Well, I guess thats a pretty good reason not to go to his party
    (22:43:52) Kate: yeah prettie muchh..lol.
    (22:44:16) Me: I'm thinking of all the things I could be doing right now
    (22:44:22) Me: Instead of sitting here...
    (22:44:24) Kate: plus he was havin a party fur this kid henry..at henrys..while henrys in a coma..n i just feel weird..
    (22:44:29) Kate: like what?.
    (22:45:13) Me: I could be making money, I could be at a party, OR I could be at a party making money
    (22:45:23) Me: All which sound great to me
    (22:45:34) Me: Though talking with you is tons of fun too
    (22:45:35) Kate: lol..pimpin yurself out,,
    (22:45:44) Kate: oh well thank yu,.
    (22:45:44) Me: lol no
    (22:45:47) Me: DJing
    (22:45:56) Kate: lol..Me the dj..
    (22:46:01) Kate: nice ring tu it,,
    (22:46:09) Me: I know
    (22:46:13) Me: Isn't it great
    (22:46:17) Kate: it is..
    (22:46:40) Me: Haha... I saw Megan commenting on your profile
    (22:46:47) Kate: yeah..
    (22:46:50) Me: She has to be the most annoying person imho
    (22:46:53) Me: whups
    (22:46:55) Me: NOt annoying
    (22:46:57) Me: Obnoxious
    (22:47:08) Kate: lol..my thought exactly.
    (22:47:46) Me: Ya.... she told me once that she thought that it was all a conspiracy that noone liked her or something like that
    (22:48:18) Me: I didn't even know she had a facebook
    (22:48:19) Kate: what....thats so weird....ithink its kinda funnie that all of her friends are new..
    (22:48:44) Kate: yeah she just mad it..she called me n was like..so what du yu think i should put..
    (22:48:45) Me: Wait till you figure out what shes really like
    (22:48:58) Kate: lol..i know right..
    (22:49:15) Me: The way I figure it is...
    (22:49:38) Me: The new girls either become friends with Megans crowd
    (22:49:39) Me: Or
    (22:49:54) Me: They become friends with people like Emily Chura and Jordy Fischer
    (22:50:23) Me: Most of them figure out noone likes Megan and then sorta become friends with people like Kayla, Hagar, and those girls
    (22:50:31) Me: Or they hang out with Chura
    (22:50:44) Kate: well..i hang out with all of em..soo...
    (22:50:49) Me: God I hate Chura and her crew
    (22:51:01) Me: Well
    (22:51:02) Kate: why..
    (22:51:14) Me: I think shes unbelievably shallow
    (22:51:38) Me: Thought don't take what I say about her to heart
    (22:51:40) Kate: ehh idunno..everyoun can be shallow at timess....
    (22:51:50) Kate: i wont..
    (22:51:55) Me: I'm insane
    (22:52:22) Me: So... you grew up in Miami?
    (22:52:28) Kate: yeah..
    (22:52:36) Kate: whered yu grow up.
    (22:52:39) Me: Much more exciting life than mine
    (22:52:47) Kate: lol.
    (22:53:10) Me: I spent 0-11 in Topeka, KS... then I move to... Fort Wayne, IN. Everytime I tell someone that... I want to shoot myself
    (22:53:17) Kate: lol..
    (22:53:26) Kate: thats...very....exciting....
    (22:53:31) Me: lol
    (22:53:33) Me: I know
    (22:53:34) Me: totally
    (22:53:45) Me: I really just want to live by the ocean
    (22:53:53) Me: Noone else gets it
    (22:54:07) Me: They all have their lake houses and such
    (22:54:14) Kate: weell i du..id prettie much du ne thing to get back..
    (22:54:40) Me: Well... if you decide to run away... tell me. I'll come. I want out of this place
    (22:54:41) Kate: yeah they think the lake is so much better than the beach..but im like...DUDE!! wheres the waves!!.
    (22:54:45) Kate: lol..
    (22:54:48) Kate: i will.
    (22:55:18) Me: Ya... I went up to Lake Michigan for a day this summer
    (22:55:24) Me: I just sat there... and I wanted to cry
    (22:55:48) Kate: aww..yeah i know..it sucks..everytime i see water i wanna just grab my board n go..
    (22:55:54) Kate: but i cant ne more../
    (22:55:59) Kate: :'(
    (22:56:19) Me: I'm crying too
    (22:56:24) Kate: lol.
    (22:56:44) Me: I got to spend a month this year on Various beaches
    (22:56:54) Kate: really..
    (22:57:01) Kate: ugh i love it.
    (22:57:09) Me: I know...
    (22:57:19) Me: Other people just really, really, really don't get it
    (22:57:42) Kate: yeah i know..ppl up here give me weird looks when they find out i surf..
    (22:57:59) Me: Yup
    (22:58:05) Me: I know exactly what you mean
    (22:58:17) Kate: like last year i went tu miami n hawaii at least once a month to surf..n ppl where just like..umm yur crazzie.
    (22:58:19) Me: I thought you were insane when you said you surfed
    (22:58:24) Me: I thought I had a hearing problem
    (22:58:29) Kate: lol..why.
    (22:58:42) Kate: du i not look the part..
    (22:58:46) Me: Cause I had never, ever had anyone say that to me
    (22:58:50) Me: No
    (22:58:51) Me: You do
    (22:59:11) Me: But... I thought I had heard wrong because noone had ever said that to me
    (22:59:31) Me: I was wondering what a surfer was doing in Indiana
    (22:59:32) Kate: lol..yeah..ive never heard it up here..n then the other day sumoun was like..that kid Me actually surfs..i was like...WHAT!
    (22:59:39) Kate: yeah..
    (22:59:58) Me: lol
    (23:00:07) Kate: yepp.
    (23:00:14) Me: Have you ever heard the song 'Santa Monica'?
    (23:00:22) Kate: yeha i think so..
    (23:00:24) Kate: whyy.
    (23:00:32) Me: Oh, just curious
    (23:00:41) Me: It just started playing
    (23:00:41) Kate: yeoo,,
    (23:00:44) Kate: lol.
    (23:01:04) Me: Crap Music video, but great song
    (23:01:09) Me: What kind of music do you like?
    (23:01:12) Kate: yeah..
    (23:01:44) Kate: i like..chili peppers..slightly stoopid..bob marley..+44..sex pistols..
    (23:01:49) Kate: wtuff like that..
    (23:01:51) Kate: yu.
    (23:02:07) Me: Ahh... good choices
    (23:02:14) Kate: yeha i know.
    (23:02:22) Me: Much better than the rap crap that plays 24/7 on the radio
    (23:03:18) Kate: o i know..its soo weird up here...in miami theres like 2 rap staions n a BUNCh of chili peppers..secondhand serenade..benni benassi..sexpistols..
    (23:03:24) Kate: well..yu get the point..
    (23:03:51) Me: God...
    (23:03:59) Me: Miami sounds about 400 times better than here
    (23:04:10) Kate: yeah i know..dont remind me..
    (23:04:11) Kate: lol.
    (23:04:16) Me: lol
    (23:04:54) Kate: crank that (souljia boy)..played like..this time last year in miami..so now i like..STOP!!.
    (23:05:19) Me: lol
    (23:05:29) Me: Really... it's getting old
    (23:05:41) Me: What was really nice was seeing a non-rap song at #1
    (23:05:46) Kate: yeah..im sooooo sick of it right now..
    (23:05:52) Me: Which is currently... Hey There Deliah I think
    (23:06:42) Kate: yeah..but even hey there delilah hit the radio down there when i was in 7th grade..its like ceriouslie an old song to me..its good n all..but..
    (23:07:10) Me: Trust me... it's 100x better than what is normally
    (23:07:17) Me: Canterburys Choice song
    (23:07:35) Kate: well yeah i know..but still..im just sick of it..
    (23:07:43) Me: Which is normally song crap rap song... sung by a guy that is high on multiple types of druge
    (23:07:46) Me: drugs*
    (23:07:52) Me: So the song doesn't make sense
    (23:08:29) Me: Wow... you have no idea how glad I am that you're hear. I finally have someone who understands what I mean when I say, God I miss the ocean...
    (23:08:40) Me: Normally, everyone just stares at me like I'm insane
    (23:08:54) Kate: yeah i know..
    (23:08:56) Kate: it sucks.
    (23:09:38) Me: Well... at least if I do decide to run away... theres a house waiting for me
    (23:09:50) Me: With only one good surfing beach... but.. alas... it's still surf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    (23:10:21) Kate: i had tu write some descriptive thing about a picture last year..n i did sunrise on new years right over the water..n my teacher gave me a re-do on it cause she said that its no different than a normal sunrise.. i was llike a yu ****ing kidding me.
    (23:10:30) Kate: yeah..
    (23:10:41) Me: Really?
    (23:10:44) Me: Holy shit...
    (23:10:45) Kate: yeah.
    (23:10:46) Me: What a moron
    (23:10:54) Kate: i was soo pissed...
    (23:11:02) Me: It's only like 100x better than a regular sunrise
    (23:11:15) Kate: i was like have yu EVER surfed AT sunrise..
    (23:11:28) Kate: yeah i know..
    (23:11:39) Me: Mebbe you should have asked if he has ever surfed... period
    (23:11:45) Kate: lol..
    (23:11:55) Kate: i dont think shes ever even seen the ocean..
    (23:12:31) Me: I was lucky... in 6th grade... back in Kansas. I had an english teacher who went to the same place I did every summer... and he loved it... I think I wrote a descriptive essay on surfing. I'm pretty sure I got an A in that class
    (23:12:47) Kate: uhh cheater..
    (23:12:53) Me: lol
    (23:13:17) Kate: i had one teacher in miami..n every year hed ask fur no classes after lunch..n hed just take off n go surf.
    (23:13:50) Me: Wow
    (23:13:51) Me: Licky
    (23:13:53) Me: Lucky*
    (23:14:00) Me: Well...
    (23:14:13) Me: Everyone here... has their lake houses and country clubs
    (23:14:22) Me: The ocean is my Country CLub
    (23:15:18) Kate: lol..i feel ya on that one..i have one country club in miami..my dads...n its ON the beach..so it has like golf n shit..but its a MMeOR surfing spot..
    (23:15:34) Me: Ahh
    (23:15:37) Me: Fun
    (23:15:38) Me: Fun
    (23:15:39) Me: Fun
    (23:16:25) Kate: its weird cause yeah i have a lake house tu..well 2..but i HATE them..i have 6 beach houses..n id sell my soul tu get another..its just like heavenn..
    (23:17:04) Me: Who in there right mind wouldn't?
    (23:17:21) Me: Other than everyone who doesn't live on the beach
    (23:17:24) Kate: ppl who have never surfed....
    (23:17:27) Kate: lol.
    (23:17:28) Me: Or been to the beach
    (23:17:31) Kate: yeah..
    (23:17:53) Me: So everyone in the middle of the country
    (23:18:54) Kate: people are like tubing is soo fun...lakes are so much better..im like..1st) SURFING is fun...2nd) lakes are fake!..yu cant fake the ocean..plus i HATE fresh water..salt water is sooo much better fu yu,
    (23:19:21) Me: lol
    (23:19:24) Me: Haha...
    (23:19:33) Me: Alright.. so this girl I knew back in Kansas
    (23:19:45) Me: she started dating this guy a week ago
    (23:19:55) Me: And is now... 'taking a break'.
    (23:20:10) Me: A week... Can she seriously not put up with one guy for a week?
    (23:20:19) Kate: after a week?!!?!?!?!
    (23:20:24) Kate: LOL.
    (23:20:26) Me: Ya
    (23:20:35) Kate: wow.
    (23:20:39) Me: I mean really... a week ago... she was telling me how great he was
    (23:20:46) Me: Now she's... 'taking a break'
    (23:21:02) Me: I think I liked her when I was in 3rd grade
    (23:21:06) Kate: lol.
    (23:21:10) Me:
    (23:21:15) Kate: thats just how teenage girls are..
    (23:21:29) Me: Oh trust me... I know
    (23:22:13) Kate: i have oun friend..n he was dating this girl n after like 3 days she started tellin ppl how in love she was n that they were getting married..n he didnt know..n like 5 days later he cheated on her..
    (23:22:20) Kate: n the first thing she said was..
    (23:22:31) Kate: "I WANT A DIVORCE"
    (23:22:41) Kate: he was like..crazyy ass.lol.
    (23:22:41) Me: lol
    (23:23:03) Me: I dated a girl once
    (23:23:32) Me: Who started talking about kids after a week... and I don't think we had even gone on a Date... It was over spring break and I was in the carribean
    (23:23:38) Me: Well
    (23:23:41) Me: Long story short...
    (23:23:46) Me: I dumped her
    (23:23:49) Me: She cried
    (23:23:49) Kate: lol.
    (23:23:50) Me: End
    (23:23:58) Kate: thats hilarious..
    (23:24:05) Kate: i dated this kid last year..
    (23:24:10) Kate: n our dads were friends.
    (23:24:24) Kate: so they decided wed all go on spring break tugether..
    (23:24:32) Me: lol
    (23:24:37) Me: Well
    (23:24:39) Me: lol
    (23:24:41) Me: continue
    (23:24:42) Kate: so i was like..iight..n then like a month before we left..
    (23:24:47) Kate: i dumped his ass..
    (23:24:54) Me: Hahaha
    (23:24:56) Me: hahaha
    (23:24:58) Kate: so i had tu sit next tu him on the plane..
    (23:24:59) Me: HAHA
    (23:25:02) Kate: n he was hitting on me.
    (23:25:08) Me: lol
    (23:25:20) Kate: n when we landed i took off n he was like where are yu goin..
    (23:25:25) Kate: n i was like..SURFING..
    (23:25:31) Me: lol
    (23:25:33) Kate: n he was like oh i surf!..]
    (23:25:53) Me: lol
    (23:25:57) Kate: even thou he didnt even know what the fins were,,
    (23:26:12) Me: Mehehe
    (23:26:17) Me: Could he popup?
    (23:26:19) Kate: n we got out there..he stood up..n faceplanted on his board..
    (23:26:26) Me: haha
    (23:26:27) Kate: no.
    (23:26:34) Me: Well..
    (23:26:38) Kate: he broke his nose......
    (23:26:38) Me: At least he gave it a shot
    (23:26:57) Kate: it was tooooo funie.
    (23:27:03) Me: I hit my cousin in the face with a longboard when I decided I thought I could throw it over the wave
    (23:27:09) Kate: lol..
    (23:27:11) Kate: wow..
    (23:27:19) Me: Lets just say he doesn't surf
    (23:28:24) Kate: my brother was teaching me when i was really little..n he had a long board..n he couldnt find me..so he kept turning n turning..n he wound up hitting me in the face like 12 times before we even got in the water..
    (23:28:49) Me: hahaha
    (23:28:50) Me: lol
    (23:29:04) Kate: yeah i know..
    (23:29:09) Kate: it hurt soooo bad.
    (23:29:10) Me: You could totally kick my ass in a surfing contest
    (23:29:15) Kate: i could..lol.
    (23:29:24) Me: God
    (23:29:30) Kate: i leardned when i was about....5 maybe..
    (23:29:38) Me: I wouldn't care if I only got up 1 in 40 tries
    (23:29:41) Me: it would still be worth it
    (23:29:45) Kate: yeah i know..
    (23:30:04) Kate: i just kept goin n goin n eventually i mad it big..
    (23:30:28) Me: Well
    (23:30:33) Me: Thats great
    (23:30:38) Kate: lo..
    (23:30:41) Kate: **lol.
    (23:30:46) Me: Except I don't think there is any surf on Lake Michigan
    (23:30:59) Kate: mm..yu sure..i think i saw one wave!!..
    (23:31:07) Me: And the indiana surfing community is small
    (23:31:08) Kate: NIT WAS LIKE 5 INCHES!!
    (23:31:21) Me: Damn
    (23:31:22) Kate: I WAS LIKE..WHERES MY BOARD!!
    (23:31:24) Me: Massive
    (23:31:24) Kate: lol.
    (23:31:27) Me:
    (23:31:31) Kate: lol.
    (23:31:58) Me: I just wanna see some palm trees
    (23:32:03) Me: And smell some salt
    (23:32:08) Kate: i know..
    (23:32:15) Me: Hmm
    (23:32:21) Me: Let me find the quote in my profile
    (23:32:22) Me: one sec
    (23:32:30) Kate: up here ppl have to go tu the hair slaon tu get highlights..
    (23:32:43) Me: I know
    (23:32:47) Me: It's horrible
    (23:32:49) Me: kk found it
    (23:32:59) Me: We can live beside the ocean
    Leave the fire behind
    Swim out past the breakers
    Watch the world die
    (23:33:12) Kate: awww.....
    (23:34:41) Kate: the breakers always remimnds me of this KILLER surf spot in west plam beach..n its like all private beach fur like vanderbilts house..n this hotel..n my uncle had a house there..n when he died he leaft it tu me..
    (23:35:05) Me: Lucku
    (23:35:06) Kate: n yeah..its DEFFINATLEY my fave spot..well..oun of them.. i loved sydney.
    (23:35:07) Me: Lucky
    (23:35:24) Kate: its ceriouslie AMASING BEACH!.
    (23:35:48) Me: What would you do if I started calling you Kate instead of Katie?
    (23:35:58) Kate: i wouldnt care if the house was alittle shack..as long as its big enough fur a bed n a couple surf boards im fine..
    (23:36:05) Kate: i wouldnt reallie care..
    (23:36:37) Me: Super. I have trouble calling people Katie. Katies my sister and I despise her...
    (23:36:49) Kate: oo i see.
    (23:36:52) Me: So me calling people Katie is like me calling people Satan
    (23:37:04) Kate: wow...
    (23:37:11) Me: Ya... shes a devil
    (23:37:18) Kate: lol.
    (23:37:27) Me: AHHHHH
    (23:37:30) Me: I want out of this place
    (23:37:41) Kate: i know..lets just leave.
    (23:37:52) Me: Whenever you want
    (23:37:55) Me: I'll leave with you
    (23:37:59) Kate: deal.
    (23:38:19) Me: Where are we gonna go?
    (23:38:21) Me: Florida?
    (23:38:41) Kate: iduno..maybe SYDNEY!..ITS KILLER OUT THERE!.
    (23:38:47) Me: Alright
    (23:38:56) Kate: we could go tu florida thou.
    (23:39:06) Me: How about this
    (23:39:13) Me: We head to anywhere on the east coast...
    (23:39:17) Me: Get jobs..
    (23:39:25) Me: Then fly to sydney
    (23:39:29) Kate: deal.
    (23:39:32) Me: k
    (23:39:37) Me: Sounds good to me
    (23:39:41) Kate: me tu,.
    (23:39:48) Me:
    (23:39:57) Kate: 8-)
    (23:40:39) Me: You know
    (23:40:48) Me: I must have been a surfer in my previous life
    (23:40:50) Me: lives*
    (23:41:01) Kate: yeha me tu..i swear by it.
    (23:41:03) Me: Or something to do with the ocean
    (23:41:14) Kate: maybe a fish at oun point.
    (23:41:27) Me: Mebbe
    (23:41:37) Kate: or a shark.
    (23:41:39) Kate: lol.
    (23:41:44) Me: Have you ever slept on the beach?
    (23:41:50) Me: With the sand in your hair?
    (23:41:52) Kate: yeah..all the time.
    (23:41:57) Me: Waking up to the sunrise... it's great
    (23:42:14) Kate: sometimes by choice..sumtimes frum passing out..lol.
    (23:42:25) Me: lol
    (23:42:35) Me: Did you ever see that movie 'Blue Crush'?
    (23:42:44) Kate: yes..it sick.
    (23:42:56) Me: Ya
    (23:43:19) Kate: cause its..idunno how tu explain it..but it really shows what its like outhere.
    (23:43:35) Me: Yup
    (23:43:42) Me: Though
    (23:43:56) Me: In a proffessional event... I couldn't tell you what that was like
    (23:43:59) Me: lol
    (23:44:03) Me: I'm sure you know though
    (23:44:07) Kate: lol..well i could..
    (23:44:08) Kate: yeah..
    (23:44:32) Me: Are you going to Homecoming?
    (23:44:48) Kate: ehh idunno..
    (23:44:54) Kate: idont reallie want tu.
    (23:45:04) Me: You sould
    (23:45:07) Me: Should
    (23:45:09) Me: It'll be fun
    (23:45:18) Me: What else are you doing next saturday?
    (23:45:25) Kate: tennis..
    (23:45:44) Me: Explain
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  3. #3
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    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    (23:45:58) Kate: my friend asked me tu go tu his homecoming with him.soo i have tu du that..
    (23:46:15) Kate: i play tennis alot..
    (23:46:17) Me: lol
    (23:46:21) Me: WEll
    (23:46:34) Me: You should come to ours... though it'll probably suck
    (23:46:37) Kate: cause when the water gets too cold..i play indoor tennis..
    (23:47:01) Me: I play tennis. I suck, but I've only been playing for 6 months
    (23:47:08) Me: Fun sport though
    (23:47:12) Kate: wanna see a trick i hit in sydney..
    (23:47:17) Kate: yeah it it.
    (23:47:23) Attempting to connect to Kate at for Direct IM.
    (23:47:44) Asking Kate to connect to us at for Direct IM.

    Essentially the end of the conversation....

    If you even read all that... well... thanks... if not... don't sweat it.. I don't read all of peoples long stories, so I can't complain if you don't read mine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  4. #4
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    There's no way I'm reading all that.

  5. #5
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    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    Hahaha. Didn't think so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  6. #6
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    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    What really makes it bad is that she is horrible with IM speak. All of her 'to's are spelled 'tu' and her 'you's are spelled 'yu', so I don't blame anyone if they don't wanna read it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2004
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    tu? du? FRUM??

    anyway, I read bits and pieces. Sounds like any ole connversation between anyone, even those who don't know each other personally. I really can't tell you whether she likes you or not.

    edit: and you seem a bit more intelligent than her...she doesn't seem all that exciting on that log. Don't know why that's relevant, but it might take you one step towards realising that you're just infatuated with the idea of her (if that IS the case, of course)
    Last edited by miSSleepy; 15-09-07 at 05:10 PM. Reason: addition

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hard to say if she's interested. I was a bit put off by her comment that "lakes are fake". That was weird.

    Anyway, is she really cute or something?
    Spammer Spanker

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    She's cute. Ya... I was talking to her earlier about how all the lakes in Kansas (where I used to live) are fake. (They are really)

    She really does give off the impression that she's a complete moron over the web, but at my school, the 'dumb' kids are taking Geometry Freshman Year and are in at least one AP.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    holy crap they should make a rule where iming isn't shit until u talk on the fone otherwise u end up with a long ass convo like this and all confused! Get her number silly!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The reason I hate IM'ing people is that you can't tell what mood the person is in. So you take things litrelly. Haha I guess that's what emoticons are for lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    I personally despise IM most of the time, but I learn to live with it and adapt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkDwarf View Post
    ... at my school, the 'dumb' kids are taking Geometry Freshman Year and are in at least one AP.
    Huh. At my school, they were drooling into their bongs and taking remedial English.
    Spammer Spanker

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    Ya... I'm a preppy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

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