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Thread: Despair - Tired of being alone! Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Despair - Tired of being alone! Help!

    i know everyone asks the same question but i thought maybe i could get some personal help on here. i havent had a boyfriend in a long time. i dont think this is normal. it has been over five years that i have been single now, and i feel awfully lonely. what do you think i should do? how can i get to know someone? i need some tips, please! i dont want to spend my life alone! It sucks coming home and everything is just so empty, like my heart.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I've had the same exact problem. I either was too shy to approach people, or I just never thought I'd be good enough for anyone, so I'd always hide and whenever I did have the perfect opportunity to create something potentially beautiful with someone, I'd stand them up or just shun myself from everything and everyone. I guess deep down inside we have this fear of getting hurt, or of not being who that person would want us to be.

    I still struggle myself, but I'm reading as much as I can to try and grow and hopefully get out of this "Single hole."

    I've watched every youtube video there is. Read everything I can.

    I'm reading this book I found on amazon kindle right now called "5 Steps to find your valentine" by Claire Close, and it's talking about self-worth and how to actually have the guts to meet someone. It's very helpful, and giving me a little bit of hope that yes, maybe I just have to man up and get out there! and stop going for assholes!

    So, my help, or advice?

    Uhm, okay. well. Stop being sad. Stop thinking you will always be lonely. If you want someone in your life, go out and let that someone in. Grow as a person.

    Hope it all gets better soon. We all deserve to love and be loved.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    From what I know a lot of people are in a similar position and what you're feeling is totally normal. It sounds really hard for you atm but from experience I'd rather be single than in a bad relationship where you are not treated well. I hope things improve and you find that special person. I'm always happy to chat if you need to talk. :-)

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