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Thread: grrrrrrr superiority

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    grrrrrrr superiority

    i friggin hate superior people that do not even have the credentials for their attitude. i need to calm down. i''m sorry in advance. it's one thing to be smart. i know tons of accredited smart people; i'm not always one of them but i look up to them. here, i look up to squirrels and illusional; i know them to be smart.

    i get mad.i dislike bullshit smart attitude; it's never, ever, from the genuinely bright. i'm sorry. if it's a problem, pm me, ok?

    one pull at the self-proclaimed smart on their stupid bullshit and they shrink and run away. arg. they have no basis for their idiocy, ever. you can tell a moron by his inability to look up the the poison s/he spews.
    Last edited by sleepy; 27-11-04 at 11:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I agree....I can not stand arrogance.It doesn't impress me at all and it is just rude!So to all the know it alls-check yourselves... and to those who that keep themselves in check you are worthy of respect.It is so annoying to hear those who talk out of their-well you know.I'd rather surround myself with people who put thought into what they say...the kind of people that don't expect things to revolve around them simply because they exist and you know those that are like that they do it all because they must be starving for attention.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I agree. However, whether you hate them or not, you're gonna have to deal with them in life. You're eventually going to have to build up a certain "tolerance" with these people (some more than others depending on the situation). I don't know if you're talking about people on this forum, or about people in your personal life that you needed to just 'vent', but I've found that just being silent and "yes"ing them to death works well to get them out of your hair. Pretty soon they'll leave you alone (either they'll catch on that you don't care, or they'll deem you 'un-intelligent' since all you do is agree, but either way they'll be gone and you'll be happy).

    Rod Steele

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    For example: Poetsrevenge
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  5. #5
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    when it comes to bullshit, i give it it out freely like pop up ads. i like to spread my loving.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Ramona, CA
    My girl Squirrel .. is a smart woman.. and well Illusional.. catch him on a sober night and yeah .. he is too. j/k Raver! But I have to agree ... I hate arrogant people.. people who love nothing better then to put someone else down just to make themsleves " look brighter" .. the thing of it is .. half the time they dont look smarter, just more arrogant.
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  7. #7
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    hrm.. arrogance. you don't have to catch me when i'm sober.. you just have to catch me when i'm serious.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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