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Thread: Is this a guy way to let a girl down gently?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Is this a guy way to let a girl down gently?

    I like this one guy. He was the one who first doing all the hard works to get my attentions. He flirts, makes eye contacts, smiling, touching, teasing & etc.
    There is this girl, Amy, in our group who is interested in him. Everyone was trying to hook them up. They are quite close. They actually had known each other for quite some time. At some point, I thought both of them are couple when I first introduced into the group.
    Once our group were in a night outing. That was a fun night and someone was singing some songs. Then, he suddenly joined in and sang some love songs. Everyone was so quite. There were only 2 girls in our group, Amy and I. The environment suddenly turned into so weird. I peeked at him and I saw him gazing at me. I was so embarrassed and I think I turned all red at that moment. I don't know why. I think I’m very shy.
    The next day, his friends started to tease on both of us. Later, I somehow asked him if he meant anything while he sang the song, he denied and mentioned that he was just sung for fun.
    I was so hurt. Since then, I had distanced myself from him. I somehow made myself believe that all the while it was me, who had misinterpreted his friendship. He might not interest in me at all. The one he likes is Amy.
    Anyhow, some occasions had forced us meeting up each other occasionally. He always tries to lock my eyes and gave the deep gaze without saying anything. He got very jealous when he saw me out with his friend whom he knows he is interested in me. I confused.
    Since I felt so uncomfortable talking to him personally, I asked him in mail why he is bothering me while he is with Amy. He replied that he was so sorry for all the misunderstandings. He told me I got my thoughts all wrong and he did not understand why I pull Amy into the picture.
    I’m uncertain of his feelings towards me again. I like him but I know it shouldn’t be a one way street. If he is not interested, I’m willing to let go. Thus, I mailed him back confessed him again if *he never likes me*. He took some times to reply and it’s even confused me more with his note. He wrote: Err.. You are so direct, how would you want me to answer? I like everyone as a "normal" friend. So, by now, I really don’t know if he is really interested in me or... Is this a guy way to let a girl down gently?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I wouldn't sing a love song just out of the blue... but you can't base anything on that. He sounds confused himself, probably shy or embarrassed to admit it.

    Just ask him, perhaps not face to face, but flat out ask him like this; "I think you're nice but I don't understand you at all. Do you like me or not? if not that you have no right to be jealous, if you do then just say it. Last chance, yes or no?"

    If he says no, forget about him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    The end of your post is a little unclear, but it seems he has already said - in the nicest way possible - that he is not interested in anything romantic. (It may be that he is looking at you intensely just because he is trying to figure you out. He may genuinely like you as a friend and may be worried about hurting you.) I'm sorry, sweetie, I'd forget about him and move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by eugene
    Last chance, yes or no?"
    LOL. I wish I have the guts like Eugene. I really like the approach. It'll make things crystal clear and help to resolve all doubts.
    You hv my day.
    Last edited by Karen; 11-06-05 at 09:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    The end of your post is a little unclear, but it seems he has already said - in the nicest way possible - that he is not interested in anything romantic.
    I hv to agree with shh, at lease, that's the answer he gave...
    Sorry that if any part of the post is unclear because I, myself also confuse about the whole situation..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    thats ok karen ...

    everyone is at one point or the other confused in life ... dont worry about it too much ...

    life takes care of those who trust it and have patience ... coz having patience is the hardest thing in this world to have at such points ... but it will come karen ... have faith and patience

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mhussain

    everyone is at one point or the other confused in life ... dont worry about it too much ...

    life takes care of those who trust it and have patience ... coz having patience is the hardest thing in this world to have at such points ... but it will come karen ... have faith and patience
    Thanks Hussain. I appreciated it. I know you try to make me feel better... Indeed, I was feeling so down these couple weeks. Wonder why falling for someone have to go through such a hard time...???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    falling for someone invloves revealing ur love .. ur emotions and believe it or not it is easier to risk life and limb than ones emotions ...

    when u love someone u reveal to them ur innermost feelings and when u feel that they do not reciprocate in a similar way ... ur emotions are out in the open and it hurts ... it hurts like hell ...

    karen ... boys look into girls eyes all the time .. and they will do so to u ... u r a nice girl karen ... and i am sure that u will find someone who will look into ur eyes and just lose himself there ... when he looks at you his heart will skip a beat and when u smile at him he will blush ...

    that day will come ...

    bets of luck karen

    take care

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Umm, By his confusion and mixed signals, sounds to me like he is unsure of his feelings....for anyone! What I suggest is asking him point blank: do you like me more than "friends"? This will put him on the spot and force him to answer...be direct and take control. If he says flat out "no" than if I were you I wouldn't waste anymore precious time on this guy, there are so many others out there who would love to be in a relationship...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Updraft, thanks for your suggestion. I agree. If I want a clearer picture, this should be the only approach; even though, I think I sort of having the answer by now…
    I wonder, do guys feel confuse about their feelings all the time? If they do not like the girl, why would they go all along the way and spend so much time and effort to get her attentions and yet put her in such a doubtful situation?
    Is this guy a player?

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