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Thread: How can I pursue a relationship with my male friend?

  1. #1
    accodata's Avatar
    accodata Guest

    How can I pursue a relationship with my male friend?

    Today I caught up with a guy who I went to a creative college with several years ago in another city. We now live in the same city and caught up for the first time in a couple of years. I liked him back then, but we weren't close and a couple of my friends liked him too at the time. I realised today that the feelings have returned. We caught up as friends with another friend of mine and he couldn't stay long but said that we should catch up more often as we live so close and suggested we see an upcoming mutual friend's art installation together. I'm horrendous at detecting flirtaciousness but he'll greet me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and pats my knee a bit, I'm not sure if that's just because we're arts students? He doesn't know I like him, but I'd like to be more than friends with him but I'm not sure if he only sees us as friends? Any input will be much appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Who knows?

    But I'm thinking that if he's not shy in hugging you, not shy in kissing your cheek and touching your knee, then why if he is interested in more than friends, isn't he making the moves on you?

  3. #3
    accodata's Avatar
    accodata Guest
    I can't tell if him suggesting that we should 'catch up often' and 'see a friend's art installation together' is as friends?
    Another thing I picked up on is that he said he was seeing a girl that was the same age as me (19, he's 21) but broke it off because he generally finds 19 year olds to be naive, insecure and not say what they mean, but said that he finds me to be an 'old 19 year old', that I seem to know who I am.

  4. #4
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    What an asinine statement for someone to make. Only a naive, insecure 21 year old would say something so stupid.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
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    If some guy said to me that we'd catch up often and invited me to some friends work, I'd probably take it that he liked me but he was just being friendly. I also wouldn't take a comment that he finds you more mature than most your age, as a sign of anything other than friends either.

    For me, there would have to be something more 'positive' and coming from his direction. Like him asking for my number, or wanting to take me out on a date.

    Until a guy does this, I don't take him seriously.

    I think I am this way and because I've never had to second guess guys. Mostly all the guys I've known and been involved with, have been real upfront about what they want. And if I did ever have to have to second guess, he wasn't that interested.

  6. #6
    accodata's Avatar
    accodata Guest
    So, he only sees us as friends, nothing more?

  7. #7
    girl68's Avatar
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    Why don't YOU make an advance?

  8. #8
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    Does he act the same way with his other friends? A lot of times that is a big clue. There is not way to tell, without context, what any of that means. He could just see you as a friend. He could see you as a friend he might be interested in dating, but not sure yet. He could want to date you, but for some reason wont make a move.

    There is no way to know for sure unless he literally flat out tells you/asks you on a date/kisses you/etc.

    Also the 19 year old comment is ridiculous. That is only a two year difference. Finally, even if he thinks most 19 year olds are immature, he should be judging you by your own merits, so you shouldn't even worry about that. If he wont date you on principle just because you are 19, believe me, you don't want to waste your time with him.

  9. #9
    accodata's Avatar
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    I have no idea how to do that. I've never known how to do that before. If I invite him out, he might assume I mean as friends?

  10. #10
    girl68's Avatar
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    touch him!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by accodata View Post
    So, he only sees us as friends, nothing more?
    It's hard to say at this point.

    You knew him several years back, but not that well. You've since caught up with him, but it sounds as though you and he havn't spent any quality time together, but he's invited you to this friends thing...
    It seems to me, that this is a 'getting to know you' period. Who knows, he may ask you for your number and when you go to this event together.

    I wouldn't write if off as just friends at this very minute.

  12. #12
    accodata's Avatar
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    'Touch him'??

    We already have each other's numbers.

  13. #13
    girl68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by accodata View Post
    'Touch him'??

    We already have each other's numbers.
    How is a phone number related to touching him??? Yes, TOUCH HIM! You know like FLIRT?

  14. #14
    ftm's Avatar
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    Just make an obvious pass at him. A man's friend/lover boundaries are not as defined as a woman. They are fluid. Odds are that if he's attracted to you, he'd be open for something. At the same time, he's probably well aware at this point that guys have a hard time digging out of the "friend" hole when it comes to women, which will probably prevent him from trying to make any sort of move on you. So you aren't going to know unless you give it a shot.

  15. #15
    accodata's Avatar
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    I have no idea how to flirt. I can't tell when someone is flirting, and I don't know how to flirt. Tips would be appreciated...

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