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Thread: need advice!!! my gf still loves her ex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    need advice!!! my gf still loves her ex

    so this is my issue.

    i've been dating this girl for like 2 months, before me she dated this "douchebag" as she calls him for 3 years and they broke up about 3 months before i came onto the picture.

    i've checked her phone a couple of times and i have found very interesting messages from her to him, saying things like "i miss ur love sweet muffin" and " i wish things were different, u r the one that owns my heart" i confronted her about this and she told me that she is trying to forget about him and that she loves me and that she doesnt want anything with him and that the text messages were sent when she was drunk!

    now last night we had a lil talk we were trying to break things up but she told me that shes willing to give me everything out of her. that she loves me and that im a great guy she has never meet anyone like me.

    i know our relationship is still very young but i already fell for this girl. shes amazing and i cant bring myself to let her go! and well to be honest i really dont know what to do in this situation!
    please some advice would be very helpful!
    thanx for reading!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    This is kinda typical.

    You do have to understand 3 years trumps your 2 months. And you said they havn't been split for to long. So you're doing the right thing about talking about it but don't be thick enough to think that you're not a rebound or that she might get back together with him; It is possible.

    Also how did you check her phone? Kinda bypassing her privacy, she should be the one telling you, no?

    She has the right to still have feelings for this dude and still talk to him but if she is weening him off and you are being incorporated to the 10th degree then I think it's safe to assume your the dude that she is using to well, you've been dumped before I'm assuming, you know after it's great to find someone else.

    Just try not to get too infatuated, you're still in that "honeymoon" phase.

    If you're looking for a long, healthy and stable relationship with her just try to be subtle about showing you are the better person and being with you would be a great experience and you offer what she needs.

    Cut any jealously and anything that comes out like controlling desperation.

    If she is really in it for you she'll tell this guy on her own that, "I still have feelings for you but I've moved on and found another man that etc etc etc, so please understand that I can't talk to you the same way etc etc."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I was in a similar situation...except we were dating. This girl and I dated for about a month and little by little a lot of strange behavior crept up and I noticed all this stuff.

    Turns out that even though she and her ex "broke up" in November, they weren't officially done. He was the typical douchebag with a dead end job, lived with his parents still, and basically a control freak. So I come along completely independent, treat her respectfully, etc. It's a long story with a lot of other connections but I just have to warn you to stay on your feet and keep your guard up. This girl might drop a bomb on you so just be cautious!

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