Hi all,

So I'll get straight to the point...both my fiancee and myself have been together for almost 4 years now. Throughout the relationship we argued alot. Probably once a week/fortnight. The main issue is/was that i am a guy with a high-tone voice. When something gets in my way, I go at it with all guns blazing...I question alot of things....If something doesn't make sense, I question it until it does. However, my partner is not at all like this. She is quite quiet. When argued with, she tends to go quiet and inward and gets emotional alot. When we argue, I don't mean, at all, to raise my voice...I dont even know I'm doing it but its something I realise I need to control for the sake of our relationship.

Anyway...my partner has put up an emotional wall and has pretty much blocked me out completely. I now feel like a friend than a fiancee. This emotional wall has lasted (AFAIK) for the last 6 months. In that time, we have not been intimate in any way. We havn't even kissed..and I don't mean an intimate kiss...I mean a little peck on the cheek...nothing.

I have asked her about the situation. I have expressed my concerns. I have told her I am feeling incredibly frustrated. Her response to that being that she knows how frustrated I am and she understands if I cannot go on with the relationship any longer. She also said that, in the past, we spoke about something similar happening...but I never thought it would last this long.

I really want to be there for her and just be a "friend" to her until she lowers her wall and let's me in again. However, it is difficult and anytime I say I love her or call her babe, hun, etc or anything remotely more than a "friend" (not much more), she backs off and tells me not to 'push it'.

I am really at a loss for what to do. How long can this emotional wall last? What should I do?

Thanks in advance guys for all your replies.
