The other thread got too big and was filled with a lot of garbage, so I wanted to start another one with an actual update.
We talked last night. I'm glad we did because I kind of needed it. I wanted to move on, but there were just questions that I had and I needed to kind of get a feel for things. And I'm so damn glad because this whole breakup goes way beyond the things she told me initially.
It was hard seeing her moving on rather fast. What I mean by that is that she's not doing as badly as she thought she would. She's been doing pretty well the last week, and so I think the break will be good... for both of us. After talking with her, I know that I have things I needed to change no matter what... regardless of whether I end up with her or not.
I think we moved a little too fast. If we do get back together, I'm going to make sure things are taken a lot slower. I'm fine with that. I have plenty of time for my life to develop and I don't need to rush into things now. And if taking it slow is what I have to do to get her back in my life, I'll do it.
She told me other things last night, and so I learned what I think is contributing to the breakup and I know that by reverse-engineering those things, I have a chance at getting this relationship back.
I gave her opportunities to let me go. If she could have told me that she didn't love me or that she had found someone else or that she didn't see us ever getting back together, I'd have walked away and I'd have moved on. She couldn't tell me any of that. All she could tell me is that she didn't know if we'd get back together, but that she just knew that she didn't want to be with me right now... and honestly, that's the best thing I could have heard.
We both need space in order for this relationship to have a chance. I think ultimately, it'll work out in the long run, but I now have to make some decisions in my life... and I'd kind of like some advice on those and opinions on what I've stated thus far.
We've decided that we're going to go with no contact for a little while. She said she'd call/IM me by the end of the week to tell me what weekends she is free in September and I can choose which one. I don't anticipate on this being a "make up" visit. Honestly, all I want to do is have some fun with her. Do the things we did when we were together.. I don't mean all of the romantic stuff... I mean go out, have fun, and do fun things like we always did. Unless she brings up the relationship, I don't think I'm going to. This needs to be the reminder of what we had.
I'm also not going to contact her much. That doesn't mean I'm going to ignore her, but in order to get her back, I have to show that I have a life outside of her and that means not always being available to talk to her. That means that I need to live my life and take things one day at a time.
Regardless of how things go during the visit, I'm not prolonging it. Even if she tells me that she really wants me to stay longer, I won't. We need to end it on a good note and I think leaving with her wanting more would be the best way. I don't want to leave after we've drained the fun.
My issue is this: I graduate from my program in March and I have two options. She's mentioned that she doesn't think she's ready for us to move in together even if we do get back together, so I can either stay where I'm at... 4 hours away... and go to school for another year here, or I can move over there, work full time like I had planned, and live on my own and see what happens.
I'm 22. I'm still young. In my opinion, I think that as long as there's a chance that we can get back together, I need to take it. We didn't end because she cheated or because she's mean or a bitch. It ended because I think we both approached this relationship the wrong way from the beginning. I refuse to live with regret and wonder "what if"...
By the way, she is most likely not going to counseling. She doesn't think she needs it... and honestly, she might not. This might just be how she's coping with this. There are certain things about her that need to change, but whatever. When she went out to dinner with friends, she'd feel bad if I was at my house alone studying or just tired. She's definitely more social than I am and I think that was one of the problems, even though I was very social when I visited her.
Anyways, sorry for the long post.