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Thread: Some helpful tips on how to move on...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Some helpful tips on how to move on...

    Okay so its not that helpful but i signed up to this broken heart website and they send you emails for 5 days on how to cope with a broken heart.

    LESSON 1: Coping with the Emptiness

    The day after a break up or the year after (if you
    haven't found a way to heal) may seem like you are
    waking up to a nightmare. The space beside you in bed
    is vacant and that vacancy is sending you a blaring
    message - you are alone. It seems unbearable.

    The reason it is so painful is that more than loneliness,
    you are feeling emptiness. Being lonely is manageable, but
    feeling empty is different. Emptiness can strip the meaning;
    from everything from which you once derived enjoyment
    including your job, friends, family, and hobbies.

    Your mind, body, and heart are basically saying to you,
    "Hey, what is the point of any of this without him or
    her?" Well, there is a point. When you quiet your mind
    and look deep within, you know it to be true - your life has
    meaning and though it seems impossible, these feelings
    will pass.

    Fortunately, you don't have to allow time to do the magic.
    You can relieve the pain and bring meaning back into your
    life by practicing some of the following tips.

    The first tip to overcome the emptiness is to identify the
    triggers (times, places, and things) that cause you the
    most pain. Triggers can cause fits of sadness, grief, and

    For example, common triggers are the moment you come home
    after work and when you get into bed at night. Once you've
    made the list, you need to have a pre-planned adjustment to
    counteract each trigger. Your adjustment for these triggers
    can be go out for dinner if you normally cooked with your ex
    and listen to music while falling asleep. These are just

    The main point is that you must make yourself aware of the
    recurring pain triggers and have a plan to make adjustments
    to these routines. This will help - a lot.

    The second tip is to engage your support network. Most of us
    crawl into a hole and have a tendency to withdraw after a
    break-up. After my divorce, had I seen a crack in the earth,
    I would have gladly jumped in. Withdrawal is part of our
    flight or fight response. Choose to fight.

    Find your friends and family or co-workers and make plans
    with them. The last thing in the world you may want to have
    is company, but it is imperative that you socialize at least 2x
    a week, because it accelerates the healing process. Try to hang
    out with some people who didn't know you and your ex as a
    couple to bring back your individuality and avoid that trigger.

    So what adjustments are you going to make during your
    trigger times?

    LESSON 2: Eliminate Negative Thoughts

    Does this sound familiar?

    "I will never meet anyone else..."

    "I cannot live without this person..."

    "This keeps happening, what is wrong with me?"

    Ok, whatever the thoughts are - you miss him or her,
    you hate this feeling, you feel like crud, they
    repeat themselves over and over and over and...you
    get the point.

    How do you get your mind to stop this chatter?

    It's as if your mind has another operator that
    is simply ignoring your commands. You may be
    even saying STOP to your thoughts as they come,
    pulling your hair, and really, really trying not
    to think about your pain and break up, but the
    thoughts still show up at the most inopportune

    First, understand you are not going crazy, this is
    common post break-up behavior.

    Next, the good part - there is a way to put an end
    to nagging thoughts. Like your attachment to your ex,
    your attachment to these thoughts have been hard
    wired in your mind. They have actually formed
    pathways in your brain...ok, ok, I won't go into the

    Let's get to the good stuff: techniques to overcome
    repetitive negative thoughts.

    The first method is to literally flip the thoughts
    on their head with a more realistic, positive
    statement. One of the statements I started with,
    "I'm never going to meet anyone else" is a common
    post-break up fear. If you step back and focus
    within, you know that this is simply not true.

    Whether you're a youngster or late into your years,
    the likelihood of you never meeting anyone else is,
    well, zero. You will. So, the first statement that
    you won't is the unrealistic one. The reason you keep
    thinking it over and over again is because having a
    broken heart HURTS and your subconscious is trying
    to protect you from going through this pain ever again.

    When you have a recurring negative thought, first
    pause and take a moment. Thank your brain for
    trying to protect you. I'm serious, actually say,
    "thanks brain, I got it, you're protecting me." Then
    rethink the thought in the more realistic method which
    is, "The more likely outcome is that I will meet someone."

    In order to rewire your mind to reference the positive
    thought and totally get rid of the negative one, write it
    down. Each time you have the thought, flip it to the
    realistic thought - in writing. Use sticky notes, use
    your blackberry, writing it out will rewire that
    stubborn mind of yours.

    The method above is very effective and there are two even
    more powerful methods that can manifest ongoing
    positivity in your life.

    LESSON 3: Constant reminders be gone

    Why does everything remind you of your ex?

    It's impossible to stop thinking about it if everything
    makes you think about it!

    Here is the reason: Our mind forms strong associations.
    Ok, I didn't drop a bomb with that fact, but here is
    the interesting part...

    When your brain stored memories of your ex,it took
    along with it associations of sounds, smells, colors
    and even things you were touching at the time. All
    of those sensations form a powerful bond in your mind.

    Now, when you think of your ex, you may remember
    cologne they used to wear. The part we didn't bargain
    for is that it works in reverse. If we smell the
    cologne, the memory of your ex comes right back up.

    The smallest details will trigger a memory because
    they lie deep within your subconscious. That's why
    you may feel like you're having an okay day
    when suddenly you hear a song that brings you to a
    fit of tears. Do not feel bad - there is hope to break
    some of these associations and ease your pain.

    Here is the first tip: you need to make small changes
    - immediately. Rearrange your furniture, cut your hair,
    change your office at work, wear different perfume,
    and listen to different songs. I am not advising you
    to forget your ex. I am asking you to make minor
    adjustment to ease your daily pain. Your associations
    are strong and they are mostly subliminal - do not try
    to fight them with your conscious logic.

    If you haven't done so already, gently put away the
    more obvious reminders of your ex including pictures,
    personal belongings, and anything else that reminds
    you of them. No one is suggesting a bonfire in the front
    yard - a box will do just fine. It can be upsetting
    to remove these items, but keep in mind, it's not forever.

    The next tip: try to socialize with a few people that did not
    know you as a couple. Hanging out with all the same
    friends can trigger the pain association. Mixing up some
    friendships and social habits will provide tremendous

    So my question to you is, what are you going to change
    today? How about a different route to work or drinking
    a cup of tea instead coffee in the morning? Try it -it
    will ease your pain.

    LESSON 4: Losing a Soulmate

    If you're in pain from a break up, but you know that
    your ex wasn't your soulmate, this will still be of
    great benefit.

    9 years ago, I felt I had lost my soulmate. I had
    been through a divorce and that was heart-wrenching,
    but that's not what or to whom I was referring. After
    my divorce, I met someone that I felt was my perfect
    match. I had never felt that way before and never loved
    that way before; he was the one I had been waiting for my
    entire life.

    He didn't feel the same. We parted and I died inside.
    The day after, I felt a chill go from my toes up through
    my body until it found my chest. The cold went through
    every vessel in my heart filling it with darkness and
    stripping me of the hope of life.

    If you feel like you've lost your soulmate, you realize
    that I'm not being dramatic. You know that it is an
    experience that is almost indescribable. As I've never
    experienced death myself, I can only assume a bad break
    up is a very close second.

    If you feel anything like what I've described, then I
    have one message I need you to hear - you WILL feel
    better. In fact, you will feel better than you have
    ever felt because you are on your way to a more authentic
    path. A brighter future.

    I know it sounds ridiculous - almost impossible, in fact.
    But believe me, it is the absolute truth. The universe
    operates in strange ways to get us to the happiest place we
    can be and you are no exception to this path.

    I went from the state I described above to a state of true
    happiness by first researching every healing technique
    available, reading every self-help book, going to therapists,
    support groups,and even hypnotherapy. You know what
    I got from this? Not much. I only learned about everything
    that was wrong with me and it didn't help with my pain.

    Then, I had a break through. A friend of mine was talking
    about an article in Time magazine called The Science of
    Happiness. They were referring to what I now know as
    Positive Psychology. A science that can make you happy,
    are you serious? Yes, very. It's not a pill, it's not a joke, it
    is a real science that studies how to be happier.
    It is a study of what is right with us.

    This really appealed to me. I devoured every book and
    article written on the subject. I tweaked them to apply to
    my situation of a broken heart. I tested the techniques on
    myself and then on friends, and then set up a website to
    test them on others suffering from a broken heart.

    LESSON 5: Are Wounds healed by time?

    Why do so many people think that time is the
    miracle maker?

    It is because after time goes by we do feel
    better. Did I just contradict myself? No, time
    makes us feel better, but we have simply
    masked the original problems, not resolved them.

    Ever have a day where you're feeling not-so-bad -
    then you hear a song that reminds you of your
    ex? This trigger can cause a break down. We fall
    into these fits of pain when the root of the problem
    remains within us. Time can push trauma deep inside
    to hide from our conscious mind; unfortunately,
    nothing hides from the subconscious.

    If you do nothing at this point, but allow time
    to pass, you may be listening to a song months
    or years from now and have the same reaction.

    If you are suffering from true heartbreak, the
    only real way to heal is to walk straight through
    your pain and release it. By taking the time to
    read this email, you are beginning the process
    of taking conscious action to release your pain.

    I know this is a long post, just thought it could help a few people a bit
    Last edited by hoggy522; 02-02-10 at 07:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I'm sorry but I don't want ways to "cope". I want my wife back. That's all there is to it. I'm not about to roll over and accept that she left. What right does she have to inflict such pain on me? Because she felt she'd be happier without me? Not an option. She was my wife. Therefore, her happiness was dependent on my happiness. It was no longer "her and I", it was "us". She needs to understand that. Either she comes back or heads are going to start rolling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks! Worth a sticky!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ChristianonLI View Post
    I'm sorry but I don't want ways to "cope". I want my wife back. That's all there is to it. I'm not about to roll over and accept that she left. What right does she have to inflict such pain on me? Because she felt she'd be happier without me? Not an option. She was my wife. Therefore, her happiness was dependent on my happiness. It was no longer "her and I", it was "us". She needs to understand that. Either she comes back or heads are going to start rolling.
    You have a relationship together, but it is ALWAYS about each individual being happy. To say her happiness was dependent on your happiness makes you sound like a giant d-bag. Get yourself out of thinking like that and realize that she made a choice and it was her choice to make.

  5. #5
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    The most important thing is to think positive This song helped me much after I broke up with my ex.

    I wazzzz here

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