I moved to london 2 years ago and at the same time signed up to a dating site haha I met a really nice guy, we started talking online, sending e-mails almost everyday, i found him attractive, liked his pictures , he really wanted to meet up but i wasn't too sure. I was scared it will turn out pictures were not his and i would just waste my time. I was hesitating for about 3 months until i finally gave it a go. We went to starbucks, talked for a while and then i went home. He messaged me a lot, wanting my phone number but i assumed he might have been a bit of a stalker and i was saying no. About a week later we met again, we went to the restaurant and had a nice conversation, i was trying to figure out if i actually liked him enough to see him again as i am quite picky. He walked me to the underground and kissed me, during the whole evening i felt kind of trapped cos he was just forward about liking me and i felt like i had to be the same. So he kissed me and i was not happy about it, it was just kiss on the lips, nothing romantic but i got mad and stopped talking to him. Few weeks later he messaged me that he was to fly home to australia for holidays for 2 weeks. I never replied. About 2 months later i figured out i could actually see him cos he was a nice person but a bit too fast if it comes to getting involved. I found him on facebook and it turned out he left london for good. Instead of going for holidays he just went back and stayed saying i did not want to see him and he just liked me too much.
So that was march 2011.
In august 2011 i found out that his mum got really sick, she got a cancer. We started talking again. He came to london last year in november for a break for a week and really wanted to see me. We went for a drink, then we met up again. I still liked him as a person but did not find him attractive. He was giving me tons of compliments as before and i felt he wanted to kiss but i just couldn't do it. We were to meet once again before he went back but i felt too pressured and cancelled. Just wanted to hang out as friends and it was impossible in this case.
He had a really tough time when his mum passed away in march 2012, we talked on facebook for a bit. Every time we messaged in january, march and june he was asking if i was still single and said he was coming to europe for a month for a break from life.
So he came to london a month ago, for 2 days, got sick we did not see each other, then spent a week in greece and ibiza, then came back to london 1,5 ago and we met up for a drink. I really found him attractive this time, maybe because it's summer and we always hang out during winter. We had a nice evening, talked about everything and then he was saying "do you think that we would ever kiss?" I said nothing and then he kissed me. I really enjoyed it and his company, then he walked me home. Same evening, when he went to the bar to get a drink, people sitting next to us asked me if we were on a date and said "this guy really likes you". So i saw him the next evening, just went to mcdonald's and then we spent the whole next day together having lunch, sitting at the park and he was flying to russia for a week the next morning. He wanted to see me before he goes and i invited him for a sleep over. And we had sex. He left for a week, facebooking me almost everyday, he came back last night and came to see me today early in the morning, we made love and then spent the whole day together having lunch and shopping. He was very affectionate eveytime we were together, holding my hand tight, giving me cuddles and kissing me. He is on the plane to australia now.
Before he left i gave him a card and said to open on a plane. Just said " It's been great getting to know you and spending time with you. I had a lot of fun. Talking to you made me realize many things and your travels inspired me to visiting places. Shame your going home cos i would love you to stay in london, but i will see you in australia " Just wanted to let him know i really liked him this time. He did not say much this year and did not come so strong which encouraged me to seeing him more but i guess he also realized that it did not work before. He changed a lot because of his mum as well. I wish i liked him as much when he live here.

Do you think that being together would ever be possible?