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Thread: What next? Is she really interested?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    What next? Is she really interested?


    I started out being friends with this girl. Both of us go to the same college and we were in the same group so we saw each other pretty regularly. Toward the end of the semester we went, casually, to Chili's restaurant with some friends of ours. We were going to go workout together late at night since both of us enjoy working late. Our gym on campus was closed so we ended up walking around campus for a long time talking and such.

    We went out to dinner again after that then church and a coffee date mixed in with that. At this time the semester ends. About two weeks later I call her and ask her out. I took her out to dinner and a movie and after that went to a bench on campus and talked for a long time. She had a great time I think and we ended the night well.

    Here is where I am conflicted.
    1) She doesn't initiate conversation alot. I end up being the one who calls, texts, etc. when we are not at school. Yes, she is busy and I don't mind this alot but sometimes I feel that she may not be interested.

    2) We both have never really dated before despite both being in college so I am worried about going to "fast" if you will. But I do not want to seem like I am getting less interested.

    3) While we have been out several times and she enjoyed a traditional dinner/movie date, I worry sometimes that she isn't interested and is wanting to be a friend.

    So here is what I am asking.
    What do I do next? What is the "next level" date, if you will, that we should try?

    Is she really interested?

    Any other advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


    Also, feel free to rip on me too, I realize I am inexperienced in this area.
    Last edited by struckby; 09-06-09 at 01:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Don't do the movie next time...

    Mix it up.

    Try pre dinner drinks, dinner, and post dinner drinks.

    Drinks will get her more conversational.

    Look for other things to do at night, or go out in the day time.

    Find out what she likes to do (sports game, dancing, etc etc) and include that into your ensemble.

    Remember to let her accidentally catch you perving on her once in awhile.

    She might think you're gay or uninterested.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Have you tried to touch her? I mean put your arm around her when you're laughing together, or touching her shoulder when you excuse yourself or touching her hand in the movie theater?
    I always notice that with guys who are interested. Also dont forget that us girls like to be chased -A LITTLE BIT. Dont stalk her! But she'll like to see that you are trying. If a guy doesnt call me for days or I cant tell that he's thinking of me, I automatically think he's just a friend.
    I'd try to get physically closer, maybe try to kiss her & see how she reacts. Most girls dont want to be the pushy one -that's the guys job... Sorry -but you gotta do the work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Yeah, be more challenging. Seriously.

    Wome love challenge.

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