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Thread: Number of dates per week?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Number of dates per week?

    This will seem like a rudimentary question, but I'm curious as to the public opinion. When you first start dating/seeing someone, what's a standard/normal number of times to see that person per week? I just started seeing this new girl, and so far it's been twice a week (albeit it's only been one wee). We had our first date on a Sunday, then went out again on Thursday. I'm thinking of inviting her to my place Wednesday night to cook for/with her and watch a movie, then hopefully go out somewhere either Friday or Saturday night.

    I'm assuming this is a pretty standard pace for early on? It's been a while since I've been back on the market, so to speak, so a lot of this is like trying to ride a bike again . . . I don't FORGET, I'm just a little rusty.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    I'd start off slow to avoid setting up any expectations right off the bat. Once a week would be enough for me.

    (For the record, though, I tend to not be as tolerant of these kinds of things as many females. I like my privacy and time alone.)

  3. #3
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    I stretch it out to once every other week.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    I stretch it out to once every other week.

    Damn, really? Any particular reason?

    To give a little more context, I'm 25 and she's 23. We're both in intense graduate school programs and have this summer off. I feel like we're both sort of hoping (even if not necessarily consciously) that we'd find someone we'd want to be serious with before school starts up again in mid-August (since school is a serious time commitment and it'd be easier to justify time spent together if it was slightly more than just random meeting up to do something once in a while). I'm not saying either of us is looking to suddenly be in love in a month or anything crazy like that, but I also feel like there's a very slight amount of "pressure" to perhaps figure out sooner than later if this is going anywhere. So far we seem to get along real well . . . I had planned on playing it cool after our first date and waiting a day or two to get in touch with her (after letting her know I enjoyed the night, of course, and that I'd be calling her again), but she actually started texting me the next day. So at the very least, she doesn't seem wary of the silly "rules" imposed by God-knows-who about number of days between contacting each other.

    Anyway, if feels like a careful balance between "smothering each other early on" and "taking things so slow that in a month we're still not sure what's going on." So far I feel like things are going fine, but who knows. It's been a week.
    Last edited by GuyWhoDoesStuff; 06-07-09 at 12:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Its difficult to say what is right as that depends what you both feel is right for you. I've just starting seeing someone, we went out on a Friday, then the following Saturday then the following Friday (just gone). He then mentioned meeting next Saturday but also maybe on the Thursday before this too. I'd like to hear from him more but I'm very wary of not being too much and I've shown him I like his company so am giving him the opportunity to come up with the ideas now which he seems to be doing.

    If you think once a week is not enough, there's no harm in asking her out more but if she is quite happy with your current arrangement and isn't prepared to see you more often you have to decide if you're happy with this.

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