So I signed up for a gym membership and I had slight feeling one of the managers was flirting with me. This is what happened.
I go in the first day and he’s the one who is going to do the fitness assessment on me. Nothing special here…no flirting going on. However, near the end, when he was going to choose a personal trainer for me, he asked if I had a preference for male or female, to which I respond neither. He told me that if I had to pick one, which would it be. I said male…”a cute one”, to which he laughed and asked if I had a boyfriend, and I said no. So we were conversing and at one point, I ask him if he’s a personal trainer, and he said no, but that right then he wished he would be. I replied with, “yeah…because you already know all the areas I need improvement on…” and he paused a bit and then said, “yeah…that too.” with a smirk on his face. I didn’t ask him any further. When I asked for a cute trainer, he also said that he was sorry but that he was the cutest one there, lol. So anyway, I go and do a short workout and I have to return to his office to pick up some paperwork. I take it and thank him, he asked if I was done and I said “ yeah, I just need to change and I’m leaving.” He said, “well, you can change and then come back for the paperwork.” I told him that it was ok and thanked him and said goodbye. So I change, and as I leave, he’s now sitting in the area where everyone comes in and out and once again we exchanged goodbyes.
A week later, I’m doing my warm-up while waiting for my trainer and he shows up on the treadmill right beside me. We say hi and chit chat for a bit. He asked how things were with the trainer, and I told him really good, that he chose well, and that I was happy with the trainer. He replied with, “Im sure he’s happy too.” I just laughed nervously. We got to talking about our weekend plans and he shared a bit of personal information about his life. Then things got quiet and then he asked, “So, who’s the cuter one, me or (name of my trainer)?” I just laughed and said I couldn’t reply to that question lol. We continue talking back and forth a bit, and then he jokingly calls me a different name because I had forgotten his name.
So that’s pretty much it. I passed by his office later and we exchanged smiles. So is it just wishful thinking or is he flirting a bit? Does it mean anything....because I know these guys that work at gyms seem to be big flirts!!