Hello! SO this kinda long since it has been my thought process over a couple weeks of our break-up. I appreciate any help and advice, thank you so much in advance! We are both in our 20s.

So, my boyfriend and I have been together 1.5 years now. We’ve been on and off long distance so started out 5 months together and then apart 6 months and then together 6 months and then recently apart for 1 month until he broke up with me. It was completely out of the blue. I was shocked because we were doing SO WELL. We’d lived together and everything worked out so perfectly. Life was so great. I’ve never in my life felt so happy and complete until we were together. I just couldn’t believe that he wanted to end it. He said something didn’t feel right. He’s questioned himself once before and we almost broke up because of it. I felt like my world was shattered. And it’s strange because he’d already booked his tickets to see me and now he’s not sure if he will come. He said all of a sudden he didn’t feel the same way about me but I don’t buy it. I think he’s scared and frustrated of the future and I tried to reassure him. I think one of his guy friends influenced him becaus he’s all about partying and doesn’t really have his life together. Whereas my ex was doing quite well with his life. Now my ex is switching jobs and going out more with his friend and I really think he’s just confused and scared. He’ll on his own still text me when I don’t. Of course I’ll respond briefly. I really tried to fight for our relationship and it hurt me that he’d made up his on his own without discussing his feelings with me first because I know we could get through anything since we’ve been through so much already. I think he’s scared of conflict, the future (even though we’ve discussed living together, and the rest of our future) and he’s just being negative. It’s really frustrating to me because I don’t know how to deal with this. I figured giving him space would be the best so that way maybe he’d realize he made a mistake and miss me.

I think he has been missing maybe because he just texted me where he’s going to update me which if we’re not together he doesn’t need to. I want to talk to him and ask him how he’s doing everyday but I read that space is the best. I just don’t know if it is in LDR like would he forget me or move on too quickly. Regardless I feel like we’re meant to be and can find our way back. I just need advice because I’m a little crazy at times! What do you suggest? How should I handle this? I want us to be together. He could potentially visit in a couple months if he still wants too.

I have been doing no-contact for about a week now. It’s driving me nuts. He hasn’t really tried to contact me much just a couple snaps here and there. I know he’s been really busy with business trips and such. I have definitely been focusing so much more on myself and improving myself. The hardest part is just not knowing that he’s okay and safe everyday. Like no talking. He was the only person I felt comfortable with completely, he was my human diary and now I’m not sure who to talk to about this.

UPDATE AFTER 1.5 WEEKS LATER: Okay, so my EX posted a photo today with a another girl. Just them two. Do you think he’s doing this to make me jealous because I have been ignoring his messages (NC) I thought they were friends but now I’m going crazy and freaking out cause I don’t know. I was doing so well working on myself and following the advice given. We broke up a couple weeks ago. Now I’m a mess again. I feel hurt and think if this is actually him trying to make me jealous it’s really immature.

UPDATE ONE HOUR LATER (From previous): Okay so update. Even though he told me they were friends I’m pretty sure he is sleeping with her. Or if not with her, he is definitely sleeping at her home. So, obviously no guy would sleep at random new girls home multiple nights in a row if he’s not having sex with her right. Of course I am a girl so I have my ways of finding out things and am extremely good at research. I don’t know what to feel anymore. I don’t know how he could move on so fast. I have never experience jealousy so I guess this is what I’m feeling and I hate it. I don’t feel good enough anymore for anything. Please tell me what to do. I know move on. I get that. I mean this could just be a rebound but I don’t know if I want him anymore. The whole concept of another girl in the pic already puts me off.

UPDATE NEXT DAY (From pervious post):

Okay so update. Even though he told me they were friends I’m pretty sure he is sleeping with her. Or if not with her, he is definitely sleeping at her home. So, obviously no guy would sleep at random new girls home multiple nights in a row if he’s not having sex with her right. Of course I am a girl so I have my ways of finding out things and am extremely good at research. I don’t know what to feel anymore. I don’t know how he could move on so fast. I have never experience jealousy so I guess this is what I’m feeling and I hate it. I don’t feel good enough anymore for anything. Please tell me what to do. I know move on. I get that. I mean this could just be a rebound but I don’t know if I want him anymore. The whole concept of another girl in the pic already puts me off.