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Thread: Long distance relationship-- Confused about what to do.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Long distance relationship-- Confused about what to do.

    Hello, everyone. My name is "Kara," i'm new here.

    Let me just give a warning beforehand, this will likely end up very long.

    I have been dating my boyfriend "Jim" for three years now. I love him with all of my heart and I am no doubt in love with him. I also believe that he feels the same way about me.

    Well, here is where the predicament comes in.
    "Jim" moved about three-to-four hours away a few months ago. At first it wasn't too bad. It wasn't pleasant by any means, but it was bearable. Recently, however, it has become increasingly tough for me.
    We went from seeing eachother almost daily to once a week, if we're lucky.
    I know it doesn't sound like much to most people, but it is to me.

    I am pretty much homebound for various reasons at the moment, so pretty much all I have to do all day is sit at home and miss "Jim." I don't really have friends, so I don't have oppurtunites to get out of the house and get my mind off of things.

    Whenever "Jim" and I are together, everything feels normal and I am happy. But when he leaves, I am miserable. It seems like for every day of happiness, there are six days of depression.

    In a nut shell, I am very much in love with "Jim," but i'm just not happy in the relationship anymore.

    Lately I have been having these thoughts about how I miss being single and that I wish I could date other guys in my area. And then suddenly something will go off in my head and i'll want nothing more than to be with Jim and I chastise myself for thinking otherwise.

    I am not going to state my age, but i'm pretty young. An adult, none-the-less, but still young. He was my first real relationship. "Jim" and I went through many trying stages together, and we also each lost our virginity to another. I don't know if this is part of the reason i'm scared to be without him, because we had so many firsts together.
    I try to imagine myself without him, and I can't. It sends me into a tizzy. It's like I don't know who I am without him, like I don't have an identity without him.

    Whenever "Jim" and I are together, all I want is a family with him. A home and kids everywhere.
    When we're not together, though, I just want to go be premiscuous and play the field.

    I am so, so, so confused. All I want is some clarity.

    If anyone can offer any amount of advice, I would be more than grateful.

    Thanks to anyone who read.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Pathetic Bump.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Just a few things:

    - Would you rather Jim was your first or your last?
    - If you think about wanting to be wild and young and crazy, it is because you want to be wild and young and crazy. I would suggest doing so while you are young and before you are married and tied down forever.
    - If you don't have many friends, I understand that. But what is stopping you from going out and doing things on your own? Or doing activities where you could meet new people?
    - Is Jim having these same thoughts?
    - Have you talked to Jim about your frustration with the distance?

    Distance doesn't cause problems itself. But it amplifies troubles that are already there. It sounds like you are starting to feel like you want to live life a little before you settle into a marriage. Maybe you should discuss this with Jim.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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