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Thread: Is this really the end? HELP! I'm so desperate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Is this really the end? HELP! I'm so desperate

    My boyfriend of 1 year and 4 months broke up 2 nights ago and I'm really lost and confused. At the beginning of our relationship, I was totally in control of myself. I wasn't acting jealous, psycho and was totally an understanding and mature gf. He was very insecure and eveytime he feels that insecurities, he would break up with me and I would beg him not to. So we would be fine again and he would tell me that if ever he would break up with me, not to let him go and that he hopes I wont get tired of him. So I stuck with him and changed who I was. I lost time for myself and my friends and my world revolved around him and was doing everything that I feel he wouldn't take bad. I know he loved me. But then I suddenly became insecure and we would fight because I feel bad everytime he hangs out with his friends.

    Small fights became huge fights. And I was tolerating his controlling behavior just to please him. He would blame me for the littlest thing and would get mad at me for no rational reason at all. Even if it's not my fault, example, when he drove me home one time, a bike accidentally hit his car (but no damage was done not even a scratch) and he was mad and took it out on me. When I tried to comfort him he said I was making him look stupid. I wasn't really happy with the relationship anymore but I loved him.

    2 nights ago (after several tries of breaking up with me), he broke up with me and he feels that he was just pushed into the relationship. He got mad because he texted me earlier and asked if I wanted to see him, and I said, "ok, do you want us to meet at the mall instead?". And his reply was "I already asked if you wanted to see me so obviously I will pick you up from work". And that's when he said that he was reeally annoyued and cant help feeling that way towards me and he wasnt like that before. He broke up with me and as usual begged for him not to leave me and I know it sounds pathetic and desperate but I dont wanna loose him. So I just hugged him and he didnt have any reaction although I can tell he was really pissed. But then the night before that, we were still ok and he called me when I told him that I was going to sleep already (he was out with his friends btw).

    Now I'm so lost. I wanted to call him but I'm stopping myself from doing so. I still want to be in our relationship though. Now I'm still hoping that he will call me when things cool down. Help.. How can I get his attention back? For guys, would you still call an ex after breaking up with her.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Quit freakin' spamming the board with this crap in every section. One is plenty.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    Yes ... enough already.
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    saratoga springs
    aren't marriages arranged in Pakistan anyway?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    No-one here is going to tell you to stay in that crappy relationship with that crappy guy.

    You need out you know that but unfortunately you probably won't do it unless you find some love and respect for yourself. I hope you do.
    Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!

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