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Thread: Ways to break it off... how about this???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Ways to break it off... how about this???

    I have a feeling this wont go down too well in here but i want to get it out there.

    I want to break it off with my girlfriend but want it to be a mutual decision....except she doesn't know it yet. What do I do.

    We have been to gether for comming 4 years. We have bought a house 5 months ago. and have been living together for nearly 3 years. I am 25 and she is 27.

    My reason is because i just feel that i want/need to be single. I have cheated on her 6 times even though Im not proud. Each time i have, i have felt a buzz which im not getting from our relationship. We seem to have our life mapped out and Im not ashamed to say that it scares me. I drift in and out of being for and aginst the relationship but ultamitly i do love her and dont want to hurt her(despite my actions).

    She is committed to us and talks about babies and marriage. We have had and have friends getting married and it raises the question for us. When I thought about it, i thought really by this stage we should have got engagged so why not??? The answer is that deep down dont see me growing old with her, but everything in our life says we will.

    Taking this in to consideration, i want to break it off. But I dont want to destroy her, which is what would happen if i just dropped the bomb.(she is a very stressfull person and has had a break down 10 years ago). I believe the best decision is to put some distance between us in our lives (start going out with my mates more, etc). We argue alot but they alway blow over in minutes, I am not happy that we do get over them so easily like its normal so could make more on them. And well generally grow distant.

    I know this make me sound like a Fu@|<3R but a Im here looking for constructive advice to end it the best way. I do find it hard to break it off with some one as i have never had to do it.

    All advice welcome!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    6 times damn! And you didnt tell her about it any of those times? Cold. All I can say is don't tell her when you break it off because that will just completely destroy her. It's always best to tell but in this case since you want to end it anyway atleast be nice and don't tell her that you cheated on her... 6 times...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wow ok here we go. Dude you don't know what you want, you obviously have an amazing girl on your side right now and you don't even see it. If you do break it off with her you eventually will realize what you lost. I suggest you think about this a little more, and cheating, come on already thats so high school, grow up be a man and talk to her, let her know how you feel and maybe you two can work things out. If not than it just wasn't mean't to be. Period. But I will suggest again that if you do come into a new relationship be advised that you should not cheat because it does come back around to haunt you & do you really want to be alone for the rest of your life?? Don't think so.

    Goodluck hun!
    Last edited by Trista22; 01-10-08 at 01:47 AM.

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