Things are on your terms. I really don't need to elaborate. He tried to somewhat change the plans, but you did good by sticking to your guns. It really is a fragile situation and he needs to see it like you do.
I honestly feel that your tone sounds like you are not taking any guff from this guy and you may also be getting annoyed by it as well. You are doing as your therapist and others have said and you are watching out for yourself.
I just want to point out that you seem to be doing something other exes (on the receiving end) wouldn't even bother with and it almost seems like you are piecing the puzzle quite well. By this, I just mean your situation is so unique and yet, it seems to be flowing quite well. You aren't mopey, you aren't depressed, yet you are in contact with your ex. This doesn't normally work. I want to say I'm proud of you. Keep it up and keep us posted.
"Without music, life would be a mistake" -Neitzsche