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Thread: busy schedules + 100 miles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    busy schedules + 100 miles

    Backstory: Me and my boyfriend met a few months back on a dating site. Since he was graduating from college soon and would be moving back to his hometown (100 miles away) we became fk buddies for about 2-3 months.
    Soon after he finished his finals I ended it because I met someone else at an event who asked me out. Wanting to try something new, (i've never dated before) I accepted. That relationship lasted about 6 weeks before I ended it.
    About two months we stopped talking after my boyfriend asked me out. Turns out he was still around till mid Sept to finishing up a last course. I was a bit apprehensive but i accepted because he was a good guy, one of the sweetest i've ever met.

    now we are together and it's been 2 weeks official. I don't know what to do because his last class is this friday. The only reason he comes down is for that class which is a mon/wed/fri course. He hasn't nailed a job yet and where ever he gets one he likes, that's where he'll move too.

    I've made comments about visiting him in his town, which I have never done before, but he never really reacted or commented back. It makes me sad but I wonder if i'm not loud enough for him to hear it.

    It's kinda hard to see him. We see each other 2x a week but it's because of the convince for him when he drives down for school, which is 12-7pm. I have school still from 7-1 mon-thur and sleep by 9pm so my time is limited. I work on mondays which is why I usually see him weds and fri.

    Sometimes I worry because I think he's only with me for sex even though I know he's a good guy. (I have some abandonment issues) He reassures me that he really cares about me and really likes me too but can't help but feel unsure when he's not with me. i'm wondering if he notices how hard is to for me to compliment/comment/say things.

    ex: i miss you, i like you, baby, xoxox, my baby, honey,

    I'm the type that would never ever ever ever say those things (never said any of those things before either) unless I am super sure I won't regret it.

    I have feelings that we should break up because of all this, but I like him a lot and when he's with me I forget all those negative notions.

    Sometimes I feel like I want him to always be around but I know that would become suffocating and I'm not the clingy type.

    Should I talk to him about it or let it roll till friday and see how it goes?
    Last edited by Primrose; 10-09-12 at 02:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Go with your gut, there are a LOT of complications here. It probably won't work long term, but there is no reason not to try, at least for now.

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