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Thread: Sensative guys...ladies??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Upstate New York

    Sensative guys...ladies??

    Do women really want an emotional man? It sometimes seems like
    they prefer the mindless neanderthals wandering the planet.

    I'm sort of unique....a mixture of being extremely virle, but also very emotional. I've never met a woman yet that I haven't left totally in
    the clouds after sex, but they could never handle my strong emotional side.
    It's not that I walk around weepy...not like that. But I am very deep, and very serious. They seem to run from this...why is that?

    And yet they will cling to the barbarians that shit all over them. Chase other women...out all night, forget to call etc... I just don't get it.

    But I refuse to change for anyone....and I never will.
    Life is an Illusion...Dreams are real.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I like people who think about more than what's for dinner tonight? But I only seem to meet shallow people... Don't change, you'll surely meet someone who can handle it

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    GA, USA
    I like deep men...I find it a turn off, even if the man is 200 pounds of muscle, for him to be heartless and shallow.

  4. #4
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    Wouldn't you like to know ;)
    yay a woman who apprecates it!

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  5. #5
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    I have been called shallow before. Kind of hurt. I do not recommend saying it to anyone's face. I think most people have more on their mind then it sometimes seems like they do. I would like this guys question answered as well...my thoughts though lean towards confidence. Those stupid barbarians that shit all over them as you put it do appear in person to have a bucket of confidence. I think confidence is over-rated.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    There is a difference between confidence and cockiness....
    I prefer a man who is confident and a little sensitive to everyones needs

  7. #7
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    At the end of the day, nice guys never win. And most of those shitting banana's have false confidence that women fall for, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work. Women are confused creatures, but believe me guys, I speak from experience, be mysterious. I know I'm an a$$ for telling you to be something you're not, but I've learnt that with women, you can never let them fully know how much they mean to you, or they're walk all over you! Love them, care for them, but never let them know they mean the world to you, otherwise its a losing battle.....lol Atleast that's what I've seen from personal and friends experiences.

  8. #8
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    Not every woman is a creep believe it or not...I can easily say that if I ever find a man who is genuinely confident and kind, I would treat him like a King... but see I would want him to treat me like a Queen and it would never happen because of what you mentioned above. lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Snipaa
    At the end of the day, nice guys never win. And most of those shitting banana's have false confidence that women fall for, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work. Women are confused creatures, but believe me guys, I speak from experience, be mysterious. I know I'm an a$$ for telling you to be something you're not, but I've learnt that with women, you can never let them fully know how much they mean to you, or they're walk all over you! Love them, care for them, but never let them know they mean the world to you, otherwise its a losing battle.....lol Atleast that's what I've seen from personal and friends experiences.
    This is not an argument about women in particular. It's a constant for both sexes.

    Same with the confidence issue, Virgin.

    It doesn't apply to 100% of the population, obviously, but even if you think of girls with confidence vs girls with little confidence..most guys will be more attracted to the confident one. For the most part, I think we as humans are naturally more attracted to the flashy, flamboyant personalities..maybe remnants of the evolution and natural selection...but I know I sure as hell am less attracted to the girl who keeps her head down and hair covering her face. On the other hand, the girl who looks at me in the eyes and challenges my theories when she has contradicting ones of her own, I'm more attracted to.

    As far as women liking to be treated badly, again, think of a girl, or even a guy who really wants to be your friend. It's a matter of tipping the balance. If one party shows too much interest, the other one is turned off toward it. If someone you're kinda starting to like is demonstrating WAY too much interest, it'll turn you off towards them. Neither one can go overboard..you kinda both have to grow (or at least demonstrate the growth) of your relationship at about the same levels.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snipaa
    At the end of the day, nice guys never win. And most of those shitting banana's have false confidence that women fall for, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work. Women are confused creatures, but believe me guys, I speak from experience, be mysterious. I know I'm an a$$ for telling you to be something you're not, but I've learnt that with women, you can never let them fully know how much they mean to you, or they're walk all over you! Love them, care for them, but never let them know they mean the world to you, otherwise its a losing battle.....lol Atleast that's what I've seen from personal and friends experiences.
    Gosh! Women are confused creatures? I find the opposite to be true. Men are confused creatures. What with hormones, and emotions..

    I dislike mysterious men, more a man who will speak out his mind even if it's in disagreement with me, who will let me know how he feels about things because I am insecure. If he acts mysterious, I'll think that there's some thing wrong with me.

    And I have also learn that men, you can never let them fully know how much they mean to you, or they'll walk all over you.

    Guess that just means that you will find these type of people on both sides of the fence, men and women who will walk all over you if they know you care. Men and women who are confused creatures.
    Last edited by artyemi; 12-05-05 at 03:03 AM.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hmmm interesting points stated, and all correct. Especially Nomas. But still, I find that women have a tendancy to take advantage if they find a man is completely head over heels in love with them, even if it occurs as time progresses. But again, this statement is just a personal observation and may not always apply.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snipaa
    Hmmm interesting points stated, and all correct. Especially Nomas. But still, I find that women have a tendancy to take advantage if they find a man is completely head over heels in love with them, even if it occurs as time progresses. But again, this statement is just a personal observation and may not always apply.
    Still, I find that men are more likely to take advantage. Of course, I wouldn't know. I've only dated five guys, and only three of those guys ever did that so can't be applied to the general male population.

    That, I know, we shouldn't generalize.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  13. #13
    Illusional's Avatar
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    hey hey.. i heard that nomas is comming to visit you arty...

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    The other way around, Raver..Arty's coming to me.

    I'll be going to her city July 1st, though..so I'll be returning the favor then.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I am new here but, I thought I would add something to this thread that my step mother told me many years ago, although I failed to listen myself. "You can love a person too much." I did not fully appreciate the wisdom in that small sentence. Oh well, you know what they say about hindsite.

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