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Thread: really messed up situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    really messed up situation

    Before i write this i just wanna say that i do feel bad for what i did and i care even if it sounds like i dont.

    ive been dating my gf for 2 years now. ive always been a drinker but in the last 3 months or so id say ive been goin out more often with the guys and drinking. i never really used to get like shitfaced but ive been a lot...like to the point where i literally dont remember nothing. i havnt been around my gf when im like this....i just dont like being like that around her. we dont live together so when i get home its not like shes there and can see. so i have no trouble not coming back home at night..which leads to my stupid problem .two times i can remember where ive woken up and im with a girl. but the other times i have got so smashed i dont remember more then half the night. not everytime theres a girl with me but its just obvious that ive hasd sex earlier in the night..and usually my buddies tell me if i went home with anypne. just before tear me to peices just listen. i honestly love my gf. ive always had a problem with controlling myself when it comes to sex but when i met my gf it all stopped just like that. i went to visit my grandpa who lives in the u.s for 2 weeks. i needed to just get away and think about what the **** i was gonna do. i didnt drink at all there for 2 weeks. i was good for a week after that and then tonight i ****ed it up.

    i just dont want to lose her. i love her. i dont have the heart to even tell her what ive done in the first place.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    You have a drinking problem. I'm not going to tear you to pieces for cheating on your girlfriend, but I am going to tear you one because you get so wasted you can't control yourself or even remember what happened. Come on, man. That's not good. Don't do that anymore. Get some help.

    Since you can't even take care of yourself right now, you have no business being in a relationship. You can't honestly tell your girlfriend that it will never happen again if you're still drinking. Do her a favor and leave her until you can get your shit together. Don't ever make anyone else deal with your addiction.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MerryH View Post
    Since you can't even take care of yourself right now, you have no business being in a relationship. You can't honestly tell your girlfriend that it will never happen again if you're still drinking. Do her a favor and leave her until you can get your shit together. Don't ever make anyone else deal with your addiction.
    I agree with you 100%..

    you need to get help, b/c this is not about you cheating on your girlfriend, this is about you being an alcoholic...1. you cant control yourself and 2.you're hurting the ones you love! and dont do this to your girlfriend she doesnt deserve it! you might have an std and might give it to her... get checked nowadays u cant just go around having sex with strangers and not get an std... bottom line... break up with your girlfriend and get help! your behavior is destructive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    should i tell her the reason why or spare her it? i dont want her to hate me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Yeah, you should probably tell her why. I'd imagine you've exposed her to some potential STDs, and she needs to know so she can get herself tested.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    1. Don't tell her
    2. Stop drinking
    3. ???
    4. Profit

    Your lack of control makes me lol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by soap View Post
    should i tell her the reason why or spare her it? i dont want her to hate me
    tell her that you have a problem and it has nothing to do with her! get yourself checked if you're std free then theres no need to tell her, I know everyone is gonna bash me for this BUT sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect the ones you love and if keeping the truth from her is the thing to do then do it! BUT if you do have an std, please tell her!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    1) You really need to tell her and then break it off with her. Otherwise she'll start blaming herself for the break up and she'll always wonder what went wrong. She won't be able to move on. You'll kill her self esteem. You need to take responsibility for your actions.

    2) Obviously you don't have remorse or you wouldn't have gone out drinking again after the first time you woke up with another girl.

    3) Like everyone else says, you need to get checked for STDs. Most of the STDs have a window period of 3 months, and they won't show up on the tests until 3 months after exposure. She needs to get checked as well. If you slept with her AFTER you had sex with strange women, I don't think I believe you when you say you love her. You don't. You're just selfish and my guess is that the only reason you're with her is because she makes you feel good about yourself in some way. She have put your gf at so much risk. STDs are not to be taken lightly.

    4) Granted, you claim to have no control over your actions when you're drunk, but what about when you're sober? You did sleep with your gf while you're sober right? How can you not take responsibility for that? You could've avoided that and saved her the expense of being put at risk for STDs.

    You still wanna keep going on about how much you love her?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    ist calleds a condom lol...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by soap View Post
    ist calleds a condom lol...
    Oh, for real? ist calleds a condomlol? How drunk were you when you typed that? Did you know that there are several sexual afflictions that can be transmitted with or without the use of a condom? It's true, even you can google it.

    And you cannot tell me or anyone else that you are 100% positive that you practiced completely safe sex every time you banged whatever was available while you were so shitfaced you can't remember anything. You don't even know what you did. Get the **** out of here with "ist calleds a condom lol..." Ugh. **** you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    i wasnt even that drunk my spelling was just bad..and i didnt mean i use condoms when im drunk cus ur right i cant even remember what i did, so i probably didnt. i meant i use condoms with my gf.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Ya I agree with everyone else you have a drinking problem. You have to quit. Get yourself into an AA group or one similar. There are meetings going on 24-7 everywhere in the country. I grew up with an alcoholic mother and other members of my family are alcoholics and I know it's a life long problem. You need to get help before it really ruins your life.

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