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Thread: Contact Ex On FaceBook?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Contact Ex On FaceBook?

    We haven't spoken for about a year. We broke up because the long distance relationship thing just wasn't working and she eventually just got sick of it. While it wasn't the cleanest of breakups, it was a LDR to start with. We've both been in r/ls since and we're over our feelings for each other.

    Now however it so happens that I'm moving to her city to continue my studies (not for her, for the University). Now that it's so close I'm starting to wonder if it's worth giving her another shot or not? Not saying she'l be interested, but to catch up at least and see where we're at.

    Should I send her a msg on fb asking if it's ok to give her a call sometime? Or just straight up call her? Or is the whole thing a stupid idea?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Was your LDR always an LDR, or were you together, and then she moved away?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    it always was a LDR. we were friends from a while ago. then we met one holiday and when she went back we stayed in touch. lots of phone calls etc. So a year after that and we officially got together.

    it was sort off on and off for about 2 years after that until we both just caved in, her being the first one. we sort of just drifted apart without any real clossure.

    Then I saw her just over a year ago and we both sort of agreed we still had feelings for each other. But then after that, she went back, nothing happened, no contact, no nothing. So we just moved on.

    So to answer your original question, yes it has always been a LRD. Which is why I feel that I should at least try and give it a proper try.
    Last edited by jack4eva; 11-06-09 at 11:45 PM. Reason: grammah

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