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Thread: I'm tired of being me.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    I'm tired of being me.

    I'm sorry to vent, but I have no other way to let off some steam. I'm the stereotypical high school skinny guy. Im 5'8" and 105 pounds. I'm just plain tired of being me. Nobody seems to "like like" me. There's been like two girls over nearly four years of high school. One was a scene girl with gauges and piercings all over, and I'm just not into that. I dated. I'm 17, and I've had one girlfriend, who was a big mistake. She was a year older than I was (15) and she wanted to do things I felt I wasn't ready for (sex). I'm not some horny dumbass. I want a relationship. For the longest time, I've liked one girl in my year. Her name is Sam. Lately, I've been trying to get over her, as she's really far out of my league. She's ridiculously pretty, nice and always in a good mood. Lately, I have also started to have feeling for my friend, Haley, whom this year I have become best friends with. Haley's very sweet, also very pretty, and quite the joker. She makes many jokes about sexual things, particularly with me. However, I once told her I loved her, sort of as a little joke, but almost meant it. She responded with, "don't say that, why ruin a good thing." I was sort of crushed, and I don't know why. I guess its the teenage angst. Haley likes a friend of her's, Kevin, who on Friday moved out for college two-three hours away. Neither girl has ever really expressed any real interest in me whatsoever. I'm very lonely, and I feel like I have no one. My mother doesn't understand shit, and gets mad at me over everything. I hate talking to her about anything. My only close friends I could tell my problems to are Haley's best friends. Many people know that I like Sam. No one knows I like Haley, and only one person knows I'm trying to get over Sam. I need advice on how to tell Haley I like her. I think she's the sweetest, cutest girl I've ever known. She's always been a lot of fun to hang out with. I just want help. Also, I feel like girls put me into the "friend zone" nearly instantaneously. I'm one of those semi-shy nice guys that has many friends, but very few who express interest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Heh. I didn't date a single girl while I was in high school. In 12th grade I kissed a girl for the first time (quite embarrassing at the time, although I love being able to honestly tell a girl that nowadays). She was 2 years younger than me. We hung out for a week before we went separate ways (then no more girl relation for another year). When I was 19 I broke up with my first girlfriend after dating for 2 months because she wanted sex and I didn't want to lose my virginity to her. I'm 24 now and I still won't give my interest to any girl unless a spark is wildly ignited. When I turned 21, someone tipped me off to an e-book about how to attract women, and it has transformed my mentality in an unimaginable way. Now all of those girls in high school that I used to be afraid of (I was blessed with being really good lucking, but I'm very shy. Perhaps social anxiety) would kill to get their hands on me and all would absolutely desire to spend the rest of their lives with me. Afterwards I went on to date the most desired woman in town (11 years older than me) for over 2 years. Followed by an incredibly beautiful and innocent girl my own age, who I wish I had more of an interest in, but I didn't so I recently broke that off. At my new job: even the girls who have boyfriends melt when they talk to me. All of this coming from a guy who didn't kiss his first girl until he was 18, and didn't lose his virginity nor have his first girlfriend until 19.

    What I'm saying to you is this: You're young. High school is a false realization of the real world. Don't give up hope. Everything will change, including how women perceive you and you perceive them. If you want to meet girls now, then read some books on how to attract women. Don't you see girls reading Cosmo all the time learning how to attract boys? Do the same thing! I recommend David DeAngelo's books from my own experience.

    You sound like a good person, and I hope you stay that way. It will benefit you in the greatest of ways wherever life takes you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    So you're in HS, you're short, skinny and not very attractive.

    Guess what? HS doesn't last forever. Go to college, get a great job, see what happens.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    So you want a relationship, but don't want to rush into marriage? Sounds fair enough to me. Maybe you have to be more assertive, and stop being so "nice". I used to be nice, and a bit shy, but when I became more assertive, I had more fun, met girls who were more like me, and who liked me for being me. But then I'm in great physical shape, I'm cute, and have several attributes that women consistently like. I never thought of myself as special, but girls keep telling me they like X and Y about me, over and over again. So I use that to my advantage. Even though I'm respectful I'm also assertive. I do what I want until they so "no". Then I respect that and stop there.

    Find out what girls like about you, physically, and use that as an asset. I have a broad muscular chest, nice biceps, and skinny waist. So I wear tight tshirts, and the girls like to be lookin...mm hmm.

    Next, you have to be assertive about advertising yourself. You need to let the girls know you like them, AND you want a relationship with just them, one person. Word will eventually get around that that is who you are, and the girls who want the same thing will come to you. But be on the lookout for them flirting with you.

    I think Haley likes you or she wouldn't do the sexual innuendos with you. That's always a good sign she likes you. Me and my gf do that too. We still flirt with each other. So here's an example of clear flirting:

    Me: (I drop my pen) Would you get that for me babe?
    She: Oh sure, you just want me to bend over.
    Me: Oh, I'm busted. You know I won't take you in public though.
    She: Oh? Why not? (naughty grin)
    Me: You're a bit of a screamer.
    She: Yeah, well you make me scream. Loud, like.
    Last edited by bulrush; 18-09-11 at 10:46 PM.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

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