I gave my number to a guy 9 days ago and havent heard from him or seen him since. We work at the same place, hes married and i have a long term boyfriend that he knows about, but we have very similar backgrounds and i like talking to him so i gave him my number. He didnt ask for it i just randomly gave it to him. He said he would date me if i was single, which i thought was weird because hes married? He said "ill text you but not call you one day so you have my number just in case"
But its been 9 days and nothing...now im starting to wonder how long he meant by "one day" and what he meant by "just in case" and i dont see him either cos we work different shifts. 😳 he told me he wants me to meet his wife, but hes called me pretty, gorgeous..etc..even said he would date me if i was single so wouldnt she get jealous? Im just confused. should i expect not to hear from him by now?