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Thread: new relationships and ex's....?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    new relationships and ex's....?

    n the last few weeks I've recently started a relationship with a new female partner, which is going very well, and am looking for some advice in relation to ex's.

    My new partner has stayed in touch with some of her ex's, something I have never done, including one inparticular that she broke up with 5+ years ago and now says is a good friend.

    I don't know how things have happened whilst she been in other relationships but whilst she has been single they have gone to sporting events together and he took her away for a city break for her birthday earlier this year and he has been her "plus one" to Weddings etc in the past.

    In a few weeks time they're off to a previously booked sporting event together, which I'm ok with but towards the end of the year they have a trip booked to see the Northern Lights.

    From my perspective at that time we'll have been together for nearly 6 months and the Northern Lights is one of those once in a life time trips that I'd like to share with someone that I was in a relationship.

    She has said that in a previous relationship her new partner reacted badly when she told him she was still intending to go on a pre-booked holiday with a female friend to Spain.

    I guess to me there is a big difference between going on a trip to Spain with a g/f and a once in a lifetime trip with an ex b/f now friend.

    If I was in her postion I think I'd suggest the ex b/f goes with someone else and actually if I was the ex b/f I'd be asking if I (as in her new partner) would like to go instead.

    Any views or opinions would be gratefully received...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You have only been dating this girl for a few weeks? Give it more time and don't put pressure on her to cancel her plans with the ex. If she is really that in to you then she will probably cancel the plans on her own.

    Also, you have to ask yourself how serious you want this relationship to be? If you see yourself being with this girl for a long time then tell her you think its a little strange she is still going on weekend getaways with her ex (but still wait another month or so to do this) Sounds like at this point she isn't really sure about you...

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