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Thread: pink scar

  1. #1
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest

    pink scar

    ever since i can remember, i had this pink scar on the underside of my penis. i dont know what it is from, but when i was little i remember my mom had the doctor take a look at it and he said he didnt know what it was from...

    well im really worried about it..especially now because i am just starting to become sexually comfortable around girls and i am embarrassed about it because if they have seen another penis before, chances are they will compare it to mine and notice the pink scar and wonder if i have stds or soemthing..when i dont even know!

    ive asked both of my parents if either of them have stds or anything and they both said no. i was never sexually abused or sexually assaulted and i have had it since i can remember, so its not from any sexual activity.

    sometimes i will notice from masterbation that my penis is sore so i take a look at it and notice 1 or 2 openings in the skin on the underside of my penis.. i think this is because i masterbate really rough but i dont really know if its that or soemthing else.

    ive also done a bunch of research on this and i had no luck whatsoever. i feel like i am alone because of this and perhaps a freak or something..

    so what do you think? does anyone on here have this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Everybody's dick is different lilwing. You've got a scar on the underside, and that's no big deal. It's just a mark. If a girl does ask you about it, you just say it's a birthmark, cause that's what it is. Hopefully if a girl does ask you about it, it will be someone that you are very comfortable with, who will believe what you are saying. Also, most of the time, it's dark when you're going to fool around anyway, so they wouldn't see it.

    When it comes to the openings, I'd venture to say that has happened to most of us. When I was your age I beat it pretty hard to, and until I found KY or finally realized I should be a little easier on myself, I occasionally opened myself up as well. But I'm sure you're fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Oxford, UK
    Hey look on the good side! Your pink scar probably makes your penis more attractive! I mean they are ugly and weird looking so at least yours has decoration!

  4. #4
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest

    what about someone who has green on their penis? or perhaps stripes?

  5. #5
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    I think I'd run the other way if I ever saw a green penis or one that stripes on it!!!!!
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yah, definitely no green penises.

    But a scar? No biggie. I'd find it interesting and that would be about it. It would never turn me off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    isnt it true that if your skin is too pale the veins show as green ... now think about a hard dick ... heh , made you laugh or throw up , actually a dumb friend of mine told me this years ago ...

  8. #8
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    Veins don't really look green, they are more blue!
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    mmmm, maybe a little. But I think they're more blue.

    Besides, that's different.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Oxford, UK
    I personally think the best decoration for a penis would be a bag. Hmmm maybe thats what mr condom was thinking when he invented them.

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